3. Position the throttle stick (left stick) to idle (all the way
down) and switch on the transmitter. The power indicator light
should be glowing a steady red. A fl ashing red light and an
audible tone indicates low voltage. If this happens, replace
the batteries before connecting the fl ight battery.
4. Center the aileron, elevator, throttle and rudder trims on
the transmitter by listening to the beeps. You will hear a low,
short beep each time you bump the trim. When you hear one
high, short beep the trim is centered. Experiment running the
trim to the limits a few times to familiarize yourself with the
trims. When fi nished, return all the trims to center.
connecting the battery to the plane, be sure that you do
not have the prop installed.
5. With the transmitter still switched on, connect the LiPo
motor battery to the electronic speed control. The motor will
produce a low tone. Moving the right stick on the transmitter
up and down will move the elevator on the plane up and down.
If the motor does not beep and the elevator does not move,
the receiver will need to be bound to the transmitter.
6. The receiver does not need to be removed from the
fuselage to bind it to the transmitter. Make sure the throttle
stick is down in the idle or off position and the transmitter is
switched on. Insert a small screwdriver or paperclip through
the hole marked “Bind” and press the pushbutton until the
LED on the receiver glows red and then turns off after about
one second. Then, release the bind button. If the binding is
successful, the LED on the receiver will fl ash once and then
remain ON.
7. Make sure the motor brake function in the ESC is
deactivated. When you advance the throttle stick, the motor
should turn. When you bring the throttle stick all the way back
down, the motor should come to a coasting stop. If the motor
stops quickly, the brake is on.
8. When looking at the motor from the front of the airplane
the motor should be turning counter-clockwise. If it is not,
simply unplug any two of the wires from the motor to the
speed control (ESC) and switch the two wires.
9. Locate the prop adapter, prop, and spinner assembly.
10. Slide the prop adapter onto the motor shaft, followed
by the spinner back plate, the prop, prop washer and prop
nut. Secure the assembly by tightening the nut to the prop.
Install the spinner cone over the prop and secure it with the
two screws that came with the spinner.
Summary of Contents for Tidewater
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