To make a secondary area
Make a secondary area (B) if the work area has 2 areas
that are not connected with a passage. The work area
with the charging station is the main area (A).
The product must be manually moved between
the main area and the secondary area.
Put the boundary wire around the secondary area
(B) to make an island. Refer to
on page 16
The boundary wire must be put as 1 loop
around all of the work area (A + B).
When the product cuts grass in the
secondary area, the
Secondary area
mode must
be selected. Refer to
Operating modes on page
3.4.4 To examine where to put the guide
Put the guide wire from the charging station through
the work area and connect it to the boundary wire. The
installation of the guide wire is important for a successful
guide calibration, refer to
Put the guide wire in a line at a minimum of 1 m /
3.3 ft. in front of the charging station (A).
Put the guide wire minimum 30 cm / 1 ft. from the
boundary wire (B).
Minimum distance 60 cm / 2 ft. perpendicular to
the guide wire (D). If less distance, the calibration
process is interrupted. For the widest possible
guide corridor, have a minimum distance of 1.35
m / 4.5 ft. Refer to
Guide calibration on page 21
Where the guide wire is connected to the boundary
wire (E).
Guide corridor (F). The product always runs to the
left of the guide wire as seen facing the charging
station. Make sure that the guide wire has as much
free area as possible to the left of the guide wire.
The product always runs in the guide
corridor but changes the distance to the guide
3.4.5 Work area examples
If the charging station is put in a small area (A),
make sure that the distance to the boundary wire is
at a minimum 2 m / 6.6 ft. in front of the charging
If the work area has a passage (B) with no guide
wire installed, the minimum distance between the
boundary wires is 2 m / 6.5 ft. With a guide
wire installed through the passage, the minimum
distance between the boundary wires is 60 cm /
24 in. Use the
function to cut
this passage, Refer to
function on page 24
If the work area has areas which are connected by
a narrow passage (B), you can set the product to
first follow and then leave the guide wire after a
certain distance (C). The settings can be changed
Lawn Coverage and PassageSense on page
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Installation - 17