www.flyingmachines.cz FLYING MACHINES s.r.o. [email protected]
1.2 Description
1.2.1 Airframe
FM-250 Vampire
is an all composite ultralight low wing airplane with two seats.
The fuselage has sandwich composite construction, with oval cross section shaped to
achieve the propitious proportion considering rigidity, weight and aerodynamic drag.
The landing gear consists of two main wheels and a nose wheel. The main wheels are
equipped with hydraulic disk brakes. The nose wheel is steerable.
The brakes are hand-operated from both seats using a lever on the center console. The lever
can be locked in the full back position; therefore it can be used as a parking brake.
The wheels can be equipped with fairings.
The cockpit is arranged with side by side seating. It is covered with large, clear or tinted
forward-hinged canopy, which provides an exceptional view. The canopy is held open using
a gas strut and it has two locks on both sides of the canopy. The cockpit is equipped with
ventilation and heating.
FM-250 Vampire
has full dual controls consisting of two control sticks, rudder pedals, trim-
tab lever, throttle, landing flaps and brake levers.
The wing has cantilever all composite construction with one main and one rear auxiliary spar,
which holds ailerons and split landing flaps. The main spars of both wings are joined by two
bolts and rear auxiliary spars are connected to the fuselage by two screws, all fitted in
The entire empennage is also all composite construction. The right elevator contains trim-tab.
1.2.2. Fuel system
The fuel system consists of an integrated composite fuel tank in the right wing with fuel level
sender, fuel lines, fuel valve, filter, fuel screen in the tank, drain valve and mechanical fuel
pump. This applies for the engines Rotax 912 and 912S series.
Fuel tank is equipped with a fuel cap located on the top of the right wing.
1.2.3 Engine
Aircraft is powered by Rotax 912 UL or 912 ULS engine, which ensures the airplane’s
excellent dynamic and flying characteristics. Engines Rotax 912 UL and 912 ULS are four-
stroke four-cylinder opposed type engines with liquid-cooled cylinder heads and air-cooled
The engine has an integrated reduction gear and two carburetors. More information about
the engine is enclosed in the engine manual.
None of the above mentioned engines are certified for aviation use. Even though a
maximum attention is paid during their production, engine failure can occur at any
time. Pilot of the airplane is solely responsible for the consequences.
The obligation of the pilot is to be able to glide and land safely to preselected area in
the case of engine failure.
1.2.4 Propeller
It is possible to use non-adjustable, ground adjustable, in flight adjustable or constant speed
propellers. The description of the propeller is provided with your airplane and is included in
the instructions for assembly and maintenance of the propeller.
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