All motors aren’t spinning at takeoff?
Check your motor connections to
ensure they’re plugged in properly. It’s easy to miss one pin either not plugged in,
or the white marks on the flight control board and the white marks on your motors
not matching-up.
If your airframe consistently drifts in one direction, you can adjust the
transmitter settings to compensate for the drift.
Each stick axis has a corresponding pair of trim adjustment buttons. The transmit-
ter will beep quietly when you adjust the trim up or down.
A single louder beep will sound when the trim has been returned to the neutral po-
Losing radio signal?
If the receiver board loses the transmitter signal, the re-
ceiver indicator LED will change from green to orange. If the signal is lost for more
than one second, the receiver will reset and begin to blink off / orange.
You can reconnect the transmitter to the receiver by cycling the power on your
transmitter (joystick controller).
Recalibrating your transmitter.
You can completely reset your transmitter
controls by holding both sticks all the way LEFT and BACK while turning your trans-
mitter ON. Then, move each stick in a complete circle several times. Finally, hold
down any trim adjustment button.
The transmitter LED indicator will return to pairing mode and blink red to indicate
a successful recalibration.
Still need support?
Send us a note at support@flybrix.
com. We can troubleshoot with you and step you through
getting flying…we’re here to help sort it out.
Visit the Google Chrome Store to get the Flybrix Extension Configuration Software to
adjust more settings on your airframe, for example fine motor tuning. You can also go
to our GitHub (GitHub/Flybrix) to access the open source code.
If you hit the Flybrix logo in the upper right hand of the flight control app, you’ll be
able to access the BETA ZONE features. In the BETA ZONE, we’re testing out new fea-
tures and giving access to more live flight and sensor data.
Please note, the BETA ZONE does not have fully supported instructions, it’s still in
BETA, so it’s more about experimentation and exploration.
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