Here’s where your previous build experience pays off! Attach the props
in the same pattern you’ve used before. A props go on the black and
white motors and the B props go on the red and blue. This will always
be the case since the way the motors spin (clockwise and counterclock-
wise) require motor shapes that match the direction the props spin to
give your airframe lift.
Attach your battery and connect the leads from the flight control board to the battery leads... You’re ready to fly!
To fly with the app it’s easy... Follow the steps 1, 2, 3 and you’re airborne!
If you’re using the RC controller to fly the hex build, you need to use the app. The reason is because of the new motor
configurations and the port usage. We pre-programmed the flight board to automatically fly quads and octos out of
the box. The hexo requires changing airframe configuration settings in the app.
To fly with the RC controller, follow the app steps 1 &2. Then disconnect the bluetooth and use your controller like
you did with the quad and octo. If you need a reminder on how to pair with your RC controller, refer to pages 14 & 15.
*reminder, from now on, once you’ve changed the airframe configuration in
the app to the hexo, you will have to use the app to select your new airframe
configuration before you go back to flying octocopters or quadcopters. The
flight control board needs to be reminded of how many motors and what
ports are in use every time you change airframe configurations, even if you
use your rc controller to fly.
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