Digital Proportional Radio Control System
6.7 Aux. Channels
The auxiliary channels can be used to control additional part of a model such as landing gear or lights.
1. Select channels using the left or right arrow keys on the screen
on either side of the channel name.
2. The left box below the channel name allows the user to pick the
type of control for that channel, Nul, VRx, STx, KEY and SWx.
If the channel is in use for a fly mode, the system will inform the
user and prevent any changes to that channel.
6.8 Mix
The mix function creates a mix between 2 different channels. For
example, it is possible to make a mix between rudder and ailerons,
so whenever the model rolls, the rudder will move automatically to
perform a turn.
: This channel will control the slave.
: This channel is controlled by the master.
: Offset works like trim or sub trim allowing for the center position of the slave channel to be changed.
: Changes how much the slave will move in relation to the master in a positive movement. At 50% when
the master moves to 100% of its positive motion, the slave will move to positive 50%.
: Changes how much the slave will move in relation to the master in a negative movement. At 50% when
the master moves to 100% of its negative motion, the slave will move to negative 50%.
1. If the mix is not already disabled turn it off by touching the box labeled "on".
2. Select a master by touching the box to the right of the master channel and choose a channel from the list.
3. Select a slave by touching the box to the right of the slave channel, then choose a channel from the list.
4. If needed, set an offset on the slave channel. Select the box to the right of the offset function, select the
correct decimal and use the up and down arrow keys to change the value.
5. Set the positive/negative ratio using the box to the right of "pos", select the correct decimal and use the
up and down arrow keys to change the value.
The failsafe function enables you to pre-set channel positions for the receiver in case of signal loss.
6.9 Failsafe
[Ch1:Off ]
:means that in case of a loss of signal, the corresponding
servo will keep its last received position.
[Ch3 :100%]:
If it displays a percentage, the servo will instead move
to the selected position.
1. To setup a failsafe position on a channel, select the channel from
the list, to select the channel touch the box to the right of the
channel name.
2. The box next to the channel name should display "On", to activate
the failsafe touch the box. The box should now display "Off".
3. Move and hold the channel at the desired position, then while
keeping the channel at the desired value touch the setup box.
You can set the failsafe position for all channels with the [All channels]
button at once. To do so:
1. Turn all the channels on as stated above, hold all the channels in
the desired position and select "Set all" at the bottom of the list.
2. The system will prompt for a conformation, select "Y" for yes.