5.5 Display Servos
This function displays channel position in real time.
All changes to channel's functions will be displayed here also.
1. Turn on the transmitter and swipe right on the screen.
2. To scroll swipe up and down on the screen.
Hold your finger on the screen to activate the channel sweep function. The system will ask if you are sure,
make sure that all motors are disconnected in order to prevent damage to the model or harming others.
3. To disable the channel sweep function touch or swipe the screen to the left or right.
5.6 Display Sensors
This function displays all connected sensor names, type, number in real-time.
Sensor name/type.
The system gives each sensor connected to the receiver an ID starting from 0
(Transmitter Voltage)
, so the
first sensor attached to the receiver will have an ID of 1.
Displays the sensor output.
All data in this list is displayed in real time, when a sensor is connected or disconnected the system will update
the list.
5.4 TX/RX Battery
This function sets up the receiver and transmitter low battery alarm.
1. Click on the TX/RX voltage icon to enter its sub-menu.
2. To edit each setting touch its box and use the on-screen arrows to
change the value.
The alarm voltage is limited by the set low and high voltage
settings. For example if the high voltage is set to 6V and the low
4V then the alarm must be set between 4.1V and 5.9V.
When the voltage drops below the alarm voltage the system will
alert the user via an audio alarm and an on-screen warning.