Voltage Quality Recorder
The Fluke VR1710 Voltage Quality Recorder (
the Recorder
) records and stores voltage
trend data from a working power outlet. Once the logging parameters of the Recorder
have been set via Power Log software, the Recorder collects data that can be downloaded
to a Personal Computer (PC) for complete analysis. The advanced design ensures
accurate recording of all voltage parameters.
Recorder and Power Log features include:
Configurable recording interval
Graphical and spreadsheet data summaries
Min, Max, Average RMS values with time stamps
Transient waveform recording
Individual harmonic values and time plots
Download recorded data to PC via USB cable (supplied)
Print tables, graphs and comprehensive formatted reports
View, print and export data
Please refer to the
Power Log Users Manual
, located on the
VR1710 Manual CD,
more information. The manual provides instruction for installation and use, as well as
general instructions for connecting to Fluke power quality instruments.