Getting Started Guide
The Switch Statistics button displays the nearest switch
accessible with SNMP. The nearest switch is discovered by
examining the bridge forwarding tables of all discovered
local switches. Pressing this button navigates directly to the
Tools | Interface Statistics screen for this switch.
The Utilization Statistics button shows network unicast,
multicast, broadcast, collisions, and error percent detail for
the connected network segment. Pressing this button
navigates to the Utilization screen where information is
provided in both tabular and graphical views.
The Protocols Statistics button shows protocol mix
information. The analyzer continuously updates the protocol
list based on protocols used on the network segment the
analyzer is connected to. Pressing this button navigates to
the Statistics | Protocol screen for more detail.
The Device Discovery button summarizes device discovery
results for the entire broadcast domain, along with
discovered critical network servers. Specific address and
domain names are displayed. Network interconnect devices
and servers are also displayed, along with the total number
of hosts. Devices are shown by category and are updated
every few seconds. The names and addresses of the devices
are provided to aid in troubleshooting. Pressing this button
navigates to the Discovery | Device screen.
The Network Discovery button summarizes the network
discovery results. IP Subnets, NetBIOS Domains, and IPX
Networks are shown. Pressing this button navigates to the
Discovery | Networks screen.
The Problem Discovery button summarizes the problem
discovery results. Problem Discovery status is conveyed
using graphics and color (red ball for severe problem;
yellow triangle for problem or warning; blue exclamation
point for informational). This information is continuously
updated every few seconds. Pressing this button navigates
to the Discovery | Problems screen.