Portable Calibration Baths
This section explains routine operator maintenance necessary to keep the
Product in optimal condition.
Clean the Product
The tank and other metal parts are made of stainless steel to resist corrosion.
Keep the outside of the Product dry to prevent fluid seeping inside or spreading
to other equipment. Use paper towels or other absorbent material to wipe the
fluid off all surfaces. Complete removal of fluid residue may require a special mild
solvent. Steris SPOR-KLENZ and Dow Corning OS-2 are effective for silicone.
Use solvents only in a well-ventilated area. Refer to the material safety data
sheet (SDS) of the cleaner for additional safety precautions. Dispose of used
cleaning materials properly. See
Drain the Bath Fluid
The stir motor cover can be temporarily removed so that the area underneath it
can be cleaned. Use a T20 Torx driver to remove the carrying handle and a T10
Torx driver for the stir motor cover. Replace the stir motor cover before you
operate the Product.
Clean Up Spills
Fluid spilled on the floor is a safety hazard. To avoid accidents, follow these
precautions and instructions.
Be careful when you fill and operate the Product to avoid
drips and spills.
Keep cleanup materials on hand.
If a spill occurs, close the area to traffic until the spill is
cleaned up.
Use paper towels or other absorbent material to wipe up
spilled fluid.
Use a ventilation system to collect vapor emitted by the
fluid or cleaning solutions.
Dispose of used cleanup materials properly.
Fluids and solvents may require additional safety precautions. Refer to the
material’s safety data sheet (SDS).
Bath fluid residue can be removed with a suitable mild solvent such as Steris
SPOR-KLENZ or Dow Corning OS-2 for silicone.