FETCh[:TEMPerature]? [<channel>]
This query command returns the most recent measurement. If an input channel
is specified the response is the most recent measurement for that channel. The
<channel> number is preceded by @ and enclosed in parentheses. For example,
(@5) would be used to select input channel 5. If multiple channels are speci-
fied, only the first channel in the list is accepted and the others are ignored. If
no channel is specified this command returns the most recent measurement re-
gardless of channel. Other parameters are accepted with this command for
compatibility but are ignored. The FETC? command does not affect the mea-
surement action as does the MEAS? and READ? commands explained below.
Example command: FETC? (@3)
Example response: 0.0127
MEASure[:TEMPerature]? [<channel>]
This command allows you to select channels, acquire a new measurement, and
receive the measurement data using just one command. It causes the following
Sets the measure mode to off (INITiate:CONTinuous OFF).
Sets the COUNT N number to 1.
Sets the DELAY time to 0.
Sets the primary channel to the specified channel.
Sets the scan mode to primary channel.
Acquires one measurement (INITiate:IMMediate), waiting until complete.
Returns the value of the measurement.
If the channel number is omitted the current primary channel will be used. The
<channel> number is preceded by @ and enclosed in parentheses. For example,
(@5) would be used to select input channel 5.
Example command: MEAS? (@3)
Example response: 0.0127
This command begins a new measurement and responds with the measurement
value when finished. For this instrument, it is equivalent to the MEAS? com-
mand without a specified channel. It causes the following actions:
Sets the measure mode to off (INITiate:CONTinuous OFF).
Sets the COUNT N number to 1.
Sets the DELAY time to 0.
Sets the scan mode to primary channel.
6 Digital Communications Interface