VX7T Salt C h l o r i n e G e n e r a t o r
It is said that all life evolved from the sea and that salt water makes up
70% of our bodies, so it's little wonder we find salt water the most natural
medium to swim in.
It's one reason why salt chlorinators are now the
accepted standard for pool sanitizing.
However, it's not the only reason. With AstralPool's
VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator you also get a
benchmark on control, convenience and reliability.
To be accurate, salt or minerals don't sanitize the
pool, chlorine does. Salt or minerals in the form of
Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride or Sodium
Chloride when dissolved into your pool water is
converted by the VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator into
chlorine which sanitizes your pool. The salts or
minerals, in roughly the same solution as a tear drop,
passes through the electrolytic plates in the VX7T
Salt Chlorine Generator cell to form chlorine w hich
prevents bacteria and algae from forming. What a
nice solution-particularly when some of these
minerals and salts can be good for your family just by
being in your pool water. The result is soft feeling
water and happy swimmers.
Manual dosing with liquid or granular chlorine can
be more hazardous. Over-dosing can cause eye
irritation, itchy skin and a strong chlorine odour. The
VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator continually generates
chlorine at the level you require.
The easy to use touch pad enables complete control
of your pump and sanitizer system. Although
the VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator is easy to use, it's
packed full of features making your swimming pool
a pleasure to own and use. Chlorine output, Pool or
Spa selection, filter cleaning, time of operation, and
additional run times are all selected and information
is provided on the large liquid crystal display.
Intelligent Self Cleaning
During operation, the anode in the electrolytic cell
attracts a build- up of calcium and other debris
which requires periodic cleaning. Most chlorinators
reverse the polarity to the cell, which in turn releases
the residue of calcium and debris on the anode.
The intelligent VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator
analyses the output setting to optimise the polarity of
the electrolytic cell. By
minimising the number of
reversals ensures the cell is clean and significantly
extends the life of your chlorinator.
Pool or Spa Selection
When isolating your spa from the swimming
pool, demand for sanitizer is greatly reduced. It's
simple really, while spa water is warm and requires
sanitizer to kill and prevent the growth of bacteria
and algae, it's comparatively small volume means it
only needs a fraction of the sanitizer that your pool
requires. One touch of the "Spa" button on the
VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator and your sanitizer
output is automatically reduced to suit the demands
of your spa. Why is this important? Excessive
sanitizer is unpleasant, causing itching skin,
bleached swimwear and damaging heaters, pumps
and interior finishes in your spa or pool. Just
another way the VX7T Salt Chlorine Generator
looks after your family.
Filter Backwash Timing
Sand Filters require regular backwashing to release
the entrapped dirt and debris. The VX7T Salt
Chlorine Generator has a very smart button that
operates the pump
for one, two
or three minutes, ensuring your filter
is backwashed for the correct period and turns off
the electrolytic cell, preventing excessive build- up
of sanitizer and by-products during the backwash
process. This feature also ensures that the pump
cannot accidently be left running and empty the
pool, requiring expensive top-up water.