2.2 Programming
Setting Current Time/Day
Select POOL MODE Standby/Off
the CLOCK button.
DAY to change the current day.
Press HOUR to move the Display cursor to the hour digits and then use the Up and Down arrows to the right of the
display to change the current hour.
MIN to move the Display cursor to the min digits and then use the up and down arrows to
the right of the display
to change the current minutes.
the CLOCK button to exit the clock setting mode.
Setting Timers
Your Chlorinator has 4 timers enabling you to set four different periods in which your chlorinator/pump will operate. Different
periods can be set for the weekend compared to weekdays. Timers are set by entering a start time, and a period for how long
you want to operate (i.e. Mon – Fri T1 On 14:00 and Mon – Fri T1 Period 6:15 will run the chlorinator/pump during weekdays
from 14:00 for 6.25 hours). To set timers, do the following:
POOL MODE Standby/Off
the TIMER button to step to the timer you want to set.
DAY button to step from Mon-Fri to Sat-Sun and vice versa.
HOUR button to set the hour for the timer selected and use the Up/Down arrows to change the time. NOTE:
Hour digits go from Not Used and then 0 to 23. If you don’t want to use this timer, select Not Used.
MIN button to select the minutes for the timer selected and use the Up/Down arrows to change the time. Press
the TIMER button to select the Period or another time and set as required
finished, press the TIMER button a number of times to scroll through the other times until you return to normal
display. This saves your new settings.
Programming Recommendations
Astral recommends that you use two timers, one for the morning and one for the evening and typically for periods of 2-5 hours
for each. Your chlorinator is most effective if running in the early morning or evening when it is cooler (strong sunlight
consumes more chlorine). As a default, the control is set to come on at 08:00 and 16:00 both for periods of 4 hours.
NOTE: Due to different time clock settings for weekday and weekends, the timer periods cannot be set to run past midnight
(24:00 hours). If you cannot adjust the start time for a timer period, it is likely the period of run time is set to go beyond 24:00
hours. To correct this, reduce the period run time first, then return to the start time and adjust.
An example of this is if you have your timer period set to run for 4 hours, the chlorinator will not allow the start time to be set
any later than 19:59. If you require the chlorinator to start at 20:00 hours, the running period must be less than 4 hours to
prevent cross over to the next day.
The Chlorine Output Control area of the user panel has three main functions: