No ignition sources
No person carry ing out work in relation to a refr igeration sy stem whic h inv olves ex posing any
pipe work that contains or has contained f lammable refrigerant s hal l use any sourc es of i gni
tion in suc h a manner that it may l ead to the risk of f ire or ex plosion. All poss ible
ignition sources , inc luding cigarette s moking, s hould be kept suffic iently far aw ay from the si
te of i ns tal lati on, repairing, r emoving and dis posal, duri ng whi ch fl am mabl e refrigerant can
poss ibly be released to the s urrounding s pace. Prior to work taking place, the area
around the equipment is to be s ur veyed to mak e s ure that there ar e no fl ammable haz ards
or ignition r isk s.
No Smok ing
s igns s hal l be dis played.
Ventilated area
Ensure that the area i s in the open or that it is adequately venti lated befor e breaki ng into the
s ys tem or conducting any hot work . A degr ee of v enti lati on s hal l conti nue during the
period that the work is carried out. The ventilation s hould s afel y dispers e any rel eas ed
refrigerant and pr eferably ex pel it ex ternally into the atmosphere.
Check s to the refri ger ation equipment
Where el ectrical c omponents are being c hanged, they s hall be f it for the purpose and to the corr
ec t s pecific ation. At all t imes the manufac turer's m ai ntenance and s ervi ce gui del ines shall
be followed. I f i n doubt c onsult the manufac turer's tec hni cal depar tment for
ass istance.
The fol lowing check s s hal l be applied to ins tal lati ons us ing fl am mabl e refrigerants:
The charge si ze is in acc ordanc e with the room s ize wi thin whic h the refr igerant containing
parts are i nstalled;
The ventilation machinery and outlets are operati ng adequately and are not obstructed;
I f an indirec t refrigerati ng c ircui t is bei ng used, the sec ondary circ uit s hall be c hecked for
the pres enc e of refr igerant;
Mark ing to the equipment c ontinues to be v isi bl e and legible. M ar kings and signs that are
ill egi ble s hall be c orrected;
Refrigeration pi pe or components are installed in a posi ti on where they ar e unlik ely to be
expos ed to any s ubstance whic h may c orrode r efrigerant contai ni ng c omponents, unless
the c omponents are construc ted of materials w hi ch are i nherently res istant to bei ng
corr oded or are s uitabl y protec ted against bei ng s o c orroded.
Check s to el ec t rical devi ces
Repair and m ai ntenance to elec tr ical c om ponents shall i nc lude initial safety c heck s and
component i ns pection procedures. If a fault ex ists that c oul d c ompromise s afety, then no
electric al supply s hall be c onnec ted to the circ uit until it is s atis fac tor ily dealt with. I f the
faul t c annot be c or rected i mmediately but it is neces sary to conti nue operati on, an
adequate temporary s olution s hall be us ed. This shall be reported to the owner of the
equipment s o all parties are advis ed.
Initi al safety c hecks shall inc lude:
. T hat capaci tors ar e dis charged: this s hal l be done in a s afe manner to avoid poss ibility of
spark ing;
. T hat there no liv e elec tri cal components and w iring are ex pos ed w hile charging,
recov ering or purging the s ystem;
. T hat there is conti nui ty of earth bonding.
Summary of Contents for ASTRALPOOL 78572
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Page 28: ...25 4 OPERATIONAND USE Controller interface diagram and definition...
Page 29: ...26 4 OPERATIONAND USE Controller interface diagram and definition...
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