Check the water s upply devic e and the release often. You should av oi d the condition of no
water or air entering into sy stem, as this will i nfluence unit's perf or manc e and reliabil it y.
You should clear the pool/ spa fi lter regularl y to av oid damage to the un it as a result of the
dirty of c logged f ilter.
The area around the unit should be dry, c lean and well v entil ated. C lea n the side heating
exc hanger regularly to maintain good heat exc hange as c ons erve ene rgy .
The operation press ure of the refrigerant s ys tem should only be serv ic ed by a certified
technici an .
Check the power supply and cable connection often,. Should the uni t b egin to operate
abnormally, s witch it off and c ontact the qualified tec hni cian.
Dis charge all water i n the water pump and water sy stem ,s o that f reez i ng of the water i n the
pump or w ater sy stem does not occ ur. You s hould dis charge the water at the bottom of
water pump i f the unit will not be us ed for an extended period of t ime. You s houl d chec k the
unit thoroughly and fi ll the s ystem with water fully before us ing it for th e f irst t ime after a
prolonged period of no usage.
Check s to the area
Prior to beginning work on sy stems containing fl am mabl e refrigerants, safety c hecks are
neces sary to ens ure that the risk of ignition is mini mised. For repai r to t he refrigerating sy
stem, the foll owing pr ec auti ons shall be complied with prior to c ondu c ting work on the sy
Work procedure
Work s hal l be undertak en under a c ontrol led proc edur e s o as to minim i se the ris k of a
flammable gas or v apour being present while the work i s being perform ed.
General w or k area
All maintenanc e s taff and others working in the loc al area s hal l be ins tr uc ted on the nature
of w or k being c arried out. Work in confi ned s pac es shall be avoided. T he area around the
work space shall be sec ti oned off. Ens ure that the conditions within the area hav ebeen made
safe by c ontrol of flamm abl e material.
Check ing for presenc e of refri gerant
The area s hall be c heck ed wi th an appropriate refri ger ant detec tor prio r to and during work, to
ens ur e the technic ian is aware of potential ly f lammable atmos phere s . Ensure that the
leak detection equipment bei ng us ed is suitable for use with fl am mabl e refrigerants, i. e.
non-spark ing, adequately s ealed or intrins icall y safe.
Presence of f ire extinguis her
I f any hot w or k is to be c onduc ted on the refri ger ation equipment or an y ass oc iated parts,
appropriate f ire extinguishi ng equipment s hal l be av ai lable to hand. Ha v e a dry powder or
CO 2 fir e ex tinguis her adjac ent to the charging area.
Summary of Contents for ASTRALPOOL 78572
Page 2: ......
Page 28: ...25 4 OPERATIONAND USE Controller interface diagram and definition...
Page 29: ...26 4 OPERATIONAND USE Controller interface diagram and definition...
Page 38: ...Note...
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Page 40: ...Code 83900023...