Patient Therapy Controller (PTC
) Guide, For use with Prometra
Programmable Infusion Systems
How to Initiate a Bolus using the
After you Press the “Rx” button on your Patient Therapy Controller, the screen will display “Place Programmer over Pump to deliver bolus”. Place
and hold the Patient Therapy Controller over the Programmable Pump until the display reads that bolus delivery was successful and success tone
is heard. During this process, the device will display “Programming in progress”.
If you have not positioned the Patient Therapy Controller properly over the pump, then the pump will not activate the bolus delivery. The
message on the screen will say, “Bolus not Delivered. Pump Not found. To try again, Press OK”
as shown below.
If this occurs, simply press “OK” and then go back to step 3 above and press the “Rx” button. Then reposition the Patient Therapy Controller over