Floorex Products
1800 356 673
Operating Instructio
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Hold the handles firmly and switch the SATELLITE 480 MkII on by pushing the green button.
The controls on the SAT480 MkII include an over load device. It is there to protect the controls and motor from
irreparable damage. If it trips it indicates a problem. (i.e.; undersize power lead or poor power to your power supply).
Refer earlier in this section for recommendations on power leads. Rectify the problem or decrease load on the Satellite
480 by using tooling with more surface area, or place weights supplied on the brackets on handle for this purpose.
Continuing to use the SATELLITE 480 when constant tripping occurs, VOIDS THE WARRANTY.
Do not attempt to make any adjustments while the machine is in operation. Any adjustments must only be performed
when machine is stopped and power disconnected.
In the event of the machine pulling to one side all the time; adjust the axle height to obtain the best result. (See ‘AXLE
HEIGHT’). This machine is designed to operate with the wheels in contact with the floor at all times. Do not operate with
wheels off the floor.
After a few minutes of grinding check the wear of the diamond tooling. This will pay handsomely if the diamonds are
wearing out fast due to soft concrete / abrasive concrete. There is a wide range of diamonds available to suit every need.
Check for wear on magnetic plugs every 3 hours of use
See Section ‘PROBLEM SOLVING’ for tips on how to grind faster on tough concrete and how other problems can be
WARNING! As with any diamond tooling, breathable silica may be generated by use and maintenance of this machine.
Silica can cause severe and permanent lung damage, cancer, and or other serious diseases. Do not breathe the dust. Do
not rely on your sight or smell to determine if dust is in the air. Silica may be in the air without a visible dust cloud. If air
monitoring for silica is not provided by your employer at your work site, you must wear appropriate respiratory
protection when operating or maintaining this equipment. Consult your employer for proper respiratory protection.