Check Valve Configuration
Check valve internals are shown on the picture below. Use this as a reference when you
assemble and disassemble check valves for cleaning purpose.
1. 1/16 Valve Cartridge
2. 1/16 Valve Cartridge
3. 1/8 Valve Cartridge
4. Seal*
5. Sphere and Seat*
6. Seat
7. End
8. Connection
9. T-Seal
* Important Notes:
1. When you place the seat (5) to the seat holder (6), make sure that the gloss side
faces inward (toward the sphere). Use light to identify the gloss finish. The flat
side faces outward, not touching the sphere.
2. To distinguish the end seal (7) from the regular seal (4), compare the thickness of
each. The seal that is thicker than the other is the end seal.