1. Introduction
This instruction manual is designed to provide the user the necessary information for
installation, safe operation, and maintenance of the Intelligent Pump Series 300 (IP300).
Please read carefully and thoroughly before the operation.
1. 1
How IP 300 Works
The Intelligent Pump Series 300 is designed to reduce the pulsation problem that is
common to all the High Performance Liquid Chromatography pumps. Controlled by a
microprocessor circuit, the motor continually adjusts its speed to achieve a steady flow of
solvent that is crucial to precision analysis and data reliability.
Most of today’s HPLC pumps share similar technology such as a rapid-refill cam design,
speed-adjusting motors, pulse damper, and preprogrammed pulse-reduction patterns.
What distinguishes IP300 is its Automatic Pulse Reduction System which virtually eliminates
pulsation without use of dampers, and achieves a highly stabilized solvent flow that is not
easily reproducible by other HPLC pumps. At the initial stage of solvent flow, the
microprocessor circuit analyzes pulsation pattern, and then gradually reduces pulsation by
continually adjusting the motor speed. Unlike other HPLC pumps, IP300 dose not apply
preprogrammed patterns that do not reduce pulsation adequately. Instead, the circuit
studies the pulse pattern, and then applies the best motor speed for the pulsation that is
unique and particular to each solvent. The circuit continuously adjusts the motor speed
until the pulsation is reduced to insignificance. The result is an amazing flow stability that
meets the increasing demand for technological sophistication in today’s chromatography
(See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Pulse Reduction Chart