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5 › m a k I n G t H e B R I n e ta n k C o n n eC t I o n
1) Attach the brine nut, tapered ferrule, metal tube
insert, and brine line screen to one end of the
included brine tubing as shown in Figure 9-A.
Be sure to face the tapered side of the
ferrule towards the end of the brine line
2) Next, connect this prepared end of the tubing to
the Fleck 5600 Meter Valve as shown in Figure
9-B. Tighten the nut to the valve using a wrench
until snugly in place. Be careful not to over tight-
en, as you may sever the brine line
3) Locate the brine well and remove the cap.
may also take this moment to prepare and
insert the brine support grid determined
. Then pull the
474 Brine
Float assembly
out of the brine well as shown
in Figure 9-C
4) Next, fix the 474 Brine Float Assembly to the
brine well through the pre-drilled hole and
hand-tighten as shown in Figure 9-D
F I G u R e 9 - a
F I G u R e 9 - B
F I G u R e 9 - e
F I G u R e 9 - d
F I G u R e 9 - C
F I G u R e 9 - F
5) Take the other end of your brine line tube, make
sure this end is clean cut, recut if it is not clean,
mark 3/4" from the end of the tube, and insert the
tube through the small hole drilled through the brine
tank and brine well (Figure 9-E)
6) Firmly insert the tubing end 3/4" into the tube
opening on the 474 Brine Float Assembly as
shown in Figure 9-F.
Make sure the tube is
fully inserted into the assembly