1. Short description
2. Hardware / Connection
The "µMLFO" module provides 14 synchronizable (or free-running) LFOs with bipolar voltage
output (+-5V). It can be operated via MIDI or analog clock. The tempo of the LFOs is determi-
ned by the speed of the corresponding clock and the divider settings (rate).
After receiving a MIDI Start command, the LFOs will run to MIDI clock and will then sync their
rate accordingly. One of 24 patches can be selected via MIDI. The receive MIDI channel is set
with the LEARN button. Up to 12 of your own patches can be loaded per SYSEX dump. These
are individual settings for the 14 LFOs. This includes the waveform, rate, sync and phase (shif-
ting the start point of the waveform).
When stopped (i.e. after receiving a MIDI stop command or after switching on), the module can
be operated with 16th analog clock.
2.1 Connection to the euro rack modular system
(Doepfer bus)
The module is delivered with a connected
ribbon cable for the Doepfer bus. The red
lead marks -12 volt. Connecting the module
please note the right polarity!
If the module is poled accidentally wrong
safety diodes avoid the immediate destruc-
tion of the module but further damages can-
not be excepted.
So please pay attention:
Check the con-
nection various times before switching on!
The current consumption of the module is on
average 50mA, but can reach peaks up to a
maximum of +80mA!
Do not accidentally connect the MIDI THRU
output to high CV voltages! This can possibly
damage the hardware!