6.2. Adjustment
The pressure between the lower and top pan can be adjusted, so it fit the size of the
burger. The toppan is balanced by a spring. The pressure (the weight of the top pan) is
increased by turning the black handle in the front clockwise. When turning the handle
counter clockwise the pressure is reduced.
7. Storage, transportation and installation
7.1. Transportation
The machine should only be transported attached to a transport pallet.
7.2. Installation
The machine must be set on flat surface, table top or the like. The feet of the contact grill
are adjustable so the contact grill has a higher back than front, so excess grease can run
into the drain.
7.2.1 Requirements for location of the installation
The substrate must have sufficient capacity. Be aware that it is firmly attached - especially
when it is a wall hanging countertop. The wall must be suitable for securing heavy loads.
The contact grill is operated from the front and for the sake of ventilation, free passage of
air should be allowed under and behind the machine.
7.3. Connection
The machine must be wired by a certified electrician. Connector is not included as
standard, but must be ordered separately.
Be aware that the installation is done properly with adequate security size and protection
against fault currents and earth.