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2008 FiveFish Studios
SC-1mk2 Microphone Preamp Kit
How to use the included TRS jack to function as an INSERT jack
This diagram explains how to wire aTRS jack to function as an INSERT jack.
[insert photo here…] UPDATE PHOTO
Do not forget to short the two terminals on the jacks as shown in the photo above. This connects the SEND connection to the
RETURN connection completing the circuit if there is no TRS jack inserted.
If you insert a TRS jack, then signal flows from the SEND (TIP) to the outboard gear, then back to the RETURN (RING), then back to
the SC-1mk2 preamp.
GND is the "ground" connection.
Don’t FORGET!!!: If you're using the INSERT jacks, remove JP2 shorting jumper. And if you’re not using any INSERT jacks, make
sure to put jumper JP2 back on the board.
Construction Notes:
If you’re using the INSERT jacks, please keep a couple of things in mind.
1. The SEND signal is “unbalanced.” Therefore, it is recommended that this cable be kept as short as possible.
2. The RETURN signal is also “unbalanced.” Therefore, it is recommended that this cable be kept as short as possible.
The signal from the preamp will now be traveling a farther distance if you’re using INSERT jacks compared to the shorter distance
if JP2 is shorting the SEND and RETURN pads. Not only will the signal be traveling a farther distance, it will also be an
“unbalanced” configuration… that means, the possibility that noise get in the system/cables/wires is big, and this noise will be
returned back to the preamp for further amplification by the balanced output driver.
If you don’t need the INSERT feature, make sure to use jumper JP2.