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2008 FiveFish Studios
SC-1mk2 Microphone Preamp Kit
If you cannot adjust the voltages to +/-18Volts no matter how you turn the trimmers, something is wrong. POWER OFF and re-
check your work. (Note: I’m assuming you’re feeding the Mic Pre board with a voltage more than 18Volts coming from your
power supply).
STEP 5. TURN POWER OFF. Make sure you TURN POWER OFF!! Insert the IC chips, IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4. Make sure the
orientation of the IC chips are correct. Make sure all the legs of the chips are inserted properly in their corresponding IC sockets.
STEP 6: TURN POWER ON AGAIN. See if any smoke comes out. Feel the IC chips and check if they’re hot. They should not be.
Touch the other components to see if they’re hot. None should be hot. Maybe the voltage regulators can be a little warm, but
nothing should be too hot to touch.
Re-check your voltages on TP+ and TP- to see if they’re still +/-18Volts. Re-adjust if necessary.
STEP 7: PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK. Congratulations on your build! Now, let’s proceed to Audio Testing.