FORCE PLATE 400 Kg Capacity
Fitness Technology, 21 Bishop Street, Skye SA 5072 Australia
Tel: +61 8 8331 9229 Mob: 0418 815 400. www.fittech.com.au
right: Fitness Technology, Adelaide, Australia 21
March 2005. Issue 2.00, 21st Aug 2008
The 1000Kg Rated Force Plate specifications
1. 795mm x 795mm x 60mm High Aluminium Framed Platform & non slip Carbon Fibre Top.
2. 4 x Load Cells complete with adjustable height feet assemblies that can adjust the height of the
Plate to approx 120mm
3. Maximum Sampling Rate
– adjustable in software from 1 – 600Hz on all 4 Load Cell channels
via BMS software program.
4. 400S Force Plate + BMS Linear Position Transducer (LPT )is calibrated by users on site via the
BMS software via Tools\Configure\Calibration (tab window)
5. Only Performance Force Plate on the market capable of running the BMS LPT & auto saving all
data files + outputting to Excel via the BMS software program.
6. Only Performance Force Plate on the market capable of running on our new Inner-Balance
software tracking used to measure & record all Anterior Posterior & Medial Linear movements
7. 400S Weight 20.6 Kg (45.3 lbs)
8. 1 x PCB Module operates 4 Load Cells + LPT powered via 5 V DC Computer USB Port only
9. 1 x USB 2.0 communications Cable provides 100% of power required to run the 400S from any
PC or laptop USB Port.
10. 1 x USB 2.0 Extension Cable 3 M Long provided with all 400S units
11. 1 x RJ 45 Connection (located under the Force Plate) with connection lead supplied going to 1K
Ohm Potentiometer on the BMS LPT model PT5A-150-V62-UP-1K-M6-632676A
12. The PCB shown on Page 4 is self contained in the 400S Platform Assembly.
13. To operate the 400S Platform simply installs the software onto your Hard Drive and then
connects the USB Cable plug into your Computer.
14. With the 400S no other power supply or charging of batteries is required.