1. Do not use exercise machinery without the consent of your doctor.
2. There is no supervision do not allow children to use this product
3. Keep your fingers, body parts, children and pets away from moving parts
4. Warm up before each workoutand cool down after each workout
5. Insure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are completely tightened before using this product.
6. If any parts appear worn, or broken, or if this product is not working properly, do not use .
7. This product is for consumer use only and is not meant for commercial use
8. Keep product indoors away from moisture and dust .
9. Place the weight bench on level surface with a mat beneath it to protect the floor or carpet.
10. Always place and equalamount ofweight on each side of the barbell.
11. Always secure theweightswith the lock collars when they are mounted on the barbell.
12. Always exercise with a partner.