background image

                                                                                          2009-3-6   FiT239-C 239-09Y03543 



2.2 Alcohol Setting (Service Center only):


Select the “Alcohol Setting ” menu but a supervisor password is required. Key in the 

password and it will then show the sub-menu as following: 

Alcohol Unit, Alcohol Alert, “mg/L: Permillage”,   
Reset Test Times and Maximum test Times.



 Alco Unit Setup 

Set the unit to Permillage (


AC), Percent (



AC)and mg/L. 

Alco Alert Setup 

Alert level:  BAC2(0.2






BAC5 (0.5


AC)and BAC8 (0.8





Mg/L vs promile convention setting:    2.0,2.1,2.2 and 2.3. 


Reset Test Times:


Reset the test times to 0. After done the calibration, the number of test will reset to zero and alcohol test can be 
continued. If the LCD display shows "The period of validity is overtimes!", it need to reset the test times. 


2.4 Alcohol Calibrate:


enter the calibration mode by input the supervisor password. Only perform this function 

by FiT or FiT Authorized service center 

2.5 Test record:   

2.5.1. Review all records by press “Back” or “Next” icon. 
2.5.2. Goto: input the test number to search the test result 
2.5.3. Print: connect to the printer to print out the test record. 
2.5.4. Clean all: delete all the records. 
2.5.5. Exit: return to previous menu. 


3. System setting:


Press the “OK” enter to the system setting mode. 
6 sub-menus under system setting mode:   

Press “


”to select the sub menu

then press the “OK” key enter   

into these sub menu. It will return to the main menu when touch “return” on 
the LCD.   
3.1 Date & Time Setting: 

User can set the date and time and confirm by press OK 

3.2  Display Setting: User can set the background color and background image. 
3.3  Language: English and Chinese option. 
3.4  Set User Password: User can set the user password. The minimum of the user password setup is one digit   
and the maximum as eight digit. After setting the password, all menus require the password to access(except 
password is 00000000).   
3.5  Power Manage: set the power auto off time and backlight   
3.6  Touch Screens Calibrate: 
When the touch screen setting shift, it can be re-calibrated. If the touch-screen has been corrupted, press and 
