The MODE button on your GoldBug2 offers three different operating
modes: DISC, NORMAL and BOOST.
• Press-and-hold to switch between NORMAL and BOOST modes.
• Quick-press to enter DISC mode.
• Quick-press to exit DISC mode.
• NORMAL and BOOST are continuous search modes in most locations.
• DISC is usually invoked to check a target that has been detected in NORMAL
or BOOST, thus the reason a quick-press jumps in and out of DISC.
Each mode offers its own advantages and disadvantages in any given
situation. You want to choose the best setting for the condition of the
ground you are hunting.
Regardless of the MODE or MINERALIZATION settings, your GoldBug2
always operates in a motion mode, meaning the searchcoil must be in
motion to detect a target.
The MINERALIZATION button adjusts your GoldBug2 to the ground
conditions. It does this by decreasing or increasing the sensitivity (or gain)
of your GoldBug2. Unlike the SENSITIVITY control, the MINERALIZATION
button also affects the retune speed, which is the amount of time it takes for
Figure 6.
The two push-buttons on your GoldBug2 enable you to search in just about any kind
of ground condition. The trick is learning which combination of settings is right for each
ground condition.
We have already said it, but it bears repeating: take your time,
overlap your sweeps, keep your coil close to the ground,
recheck your ground adjustment often.
Use good headphones: Your GoldBug2 will detect small, deep
nuggets other detectors have missed. But to hear the very
faintest targets, you will need headphones.
Bury a small nugget and check it at different depths, sensitivity
levels and in each mineralization and mode setting. Pay close
attention to the nugget’s response compared to the response
of hot rocks, nails and other targets. Take a small nugget with
you and do the same thing when searching in unfamiliar soil.
Practice. The GoldBug2 is easy to use, and it is highly sensitive
to gold. But you still have to learn how to use it. Read this
instruction manual thoroughly and use your GoldBug2 often.
You will develop your own special techniques for optimum
performance in the type of soil you are searching. Whatever
works best for you is right, but you will have to put in hours of
searching to really know what “right” is.
Research. Spend more time deciding where to search. The odds
are in your favor if you look where gold has already been found.
If you know of a spot that is yielded nuggets to other detector
users, but has been “hunted out,” that is GoldBug2 territory.
Chances are you will find the small or deep ones they missed.
There is no reason why you cannot use your GoldBug2 for “coin-
shooting” in parks, relic hunting old town sites or hunting on the
beach. True, the GoldBug2 was designed for prospecting, but it is also
suitable for Treasure Hunting. Like most coin-shooting and relic hunting
machines, the GoldBug2’s iron discrimination mode can be used to filter
out trash targets in areas where relics and coins are normally found.