Always use the same procedure to pinpoint with the GoldBug2, regardless
of control settings. With a little practice you will be able to zero in on most
targets quickly and accurately. Use this procedure:
1. Once a buried target is indicated by the “beep” of the GoldBug2,
continue sweeping the searchcoil from side-to-side, narrowing
the search pattern.
2. When you have narrowed the sweep as much as you can and
still hear the target, stop the searchcoil.
3. Now move the searchcoil forward and then straight back toward
you a couple of times. Stop the searchcoil over the area where
you get the strongest response.
4. Move the searchcoil slowly side-to-side one more time,
stopping at the loudest target response.
5. Your target should be below the “HOT SPOT” of the searchcoil,
which is marked with a bull’s eye.
Slowly move the coil aside, keeping your eyes on the spot where
the HOT SPOT was, and quickly mark the target location with
your finger or digging tool.
7. For very strong signals, you may improve your pinpointing
accuracy by adding one or more of the following steps:
1) Lift the coil until the signal is just barely heard.
2) Lower the sensitivity level.
3) Rest the coil on the ground and move it back and forth very
8. For very weak signals, try the following:
1) Switch to the BOOST mode.
2) Move the searchcoil closer to the ground.
3) Increase the sensitivity. Recheck your ground-reject setting.
4) Sweep searchcoil faster.
When your GoldBug2 is properly tuned or “ground balanced,” it will
have only a minimal response to ground minerals when the searchcoil
is raised from or lowered to the ground. Precise adjustment of the
GROUND REJECT control is critical to your success. The lower the
MINERALIZATION or the higher the SENSITIVITY settings, the more
important it is to maintain proper ground rejection.
If you change the MINERALIZATION
setting, you may have to retune
your GoldBug2 to maintain
optimum performance. However,
the GROUND REJECT setting
should be close enough for
pinpointing or for a quick check in
one of the other modes. At worst,
a change in modes will require only
a minor fine tuning.
To tune your GoldBug2, follow these
With your controls still set as
described in the “Power On
Procedures” (see page 15), hold
the searchcoil parallel to and about
6-inches above the ground.
Lower the searchcoil to within an
inch of the ground and quickly
raise it. Note that the threshold
tone becomes louder as you lower
the searchcoil, disappears when
you raised it and finally returns
to normal when you hold it 6 just
above ground.
Figure 10.
Tune your GoldBug2 by bobbing the
searchcoil up and down while adjusting
the GROUND REJECT control.
Figure 9.
The GROUND REJECT control allows for
a fine or course adjusment, depending on
how fast you turn the knob.