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Dough Pumping Fun!


Fill the dough can with the dough.


Fisher-Price, Inc., a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc., East Aurora, NY 14052 U.S.A.

©2011 Mattel, Inc. All Right Reserved. ® and ™ designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc.




1-800-432-5437 (US & Canada)
1300 135 312 (Australia)

Fisher-Price, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora, NY 14052.
Hearing-impaired consumers: 1-800-382-7470.

Outside the United States:

Canada: Mattel Canada Inc., 6155 Freemont Blvd., 
Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2;

Great Britain: Mattel UK Ltd, Vanwall Business Park,
Maidenhead SL6 4UB. Helpline: 01628 500303.

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Australia: Mattel Australia Pty. Ltd., 658 Church Street,
Locked Bag #870, Richmond, Victoria 3121 Australia.

New Zealand: 16-18 William Pickering Drive, 
Albany 1331, Auckland.

Wipe all parts of this toy with 


a clean, damp cloth. 
Put all your tools and dough can 


inside the base

Cleanup & Storage

Fill the center tube on the ring 


with dough. The ring lifts.


 The tube only holds about half 

of your dough. 

Choose a dough pumper cap and 


twist it onto the base. 

Place newspaper or another 


protective material on your 
work surface.

Push the ring down to pump the 


dough out. Cut extra dough with 
your dough knife! 

Use a screwdriver to push and 


remove the barrel from the 
center tube. 
When finished cleaning, simply 


replace the barrel (closed side up) 
into the center tube.
