Detection anD alarMs
sensing subjects in the M-scope
The metal detection alarm decision-making process begins the moment a subject breaks any one of the
six invisible beams of infrared light inside the M-Scope’s passageway; typically one of the three beams
at the portal’s entrance.
Note that the LED bar graph continuously displays the received signal’s strength,
but the alarm will not be triggered until something enters the security gate and passes through one of the
sensors’ light paths.
going too Fast
Once the M-Scope detects something in the passageway, it begins measuring the elapsed time between
when the first beam is crossed upon entering the passageway, and when the second beam is crossed
upon exiting the passageway. The measurement of the time it takes for a subject to pass through the
gate tells the system how fast the subject was going through the passageway. If the subject exceeds
the M-Scope’s selected speed limit; the LCD displays “Speed Violation!”, the audio alert sounds, the
zone lights flash red, and the bar graph and ready LEDs flash several times. These events get logged in
the system’s internal counters. (for more information - see “Rate Alarm Menu” pg.14)
going too slow
If any of the six light beams remains blocked for more than a few seconds, the unit goes into the
Photo Detector Blocked alarm mode, featuring red zone and ready indicator LEDs, sounding audio alert,
and a special LCD screen, displaying the words “Photo Diode Blocked!” along with a graphic display
consisting of six circles arranged as three pairs, corresponding to the three pairs of infrared LED and
Photodiode sensors. Each individual circle’s interior will either be blank, partially filled in, or entirely
filled in, indicating whether the corresponding Photo Detector sensor channel is getting zero signal, a
partial signal, or a full strength signal.
This feature can be very useful when troubleshooting the unit.
The LED bar graph also indicates which of the six ‘electric eye’ Photo Detector channels are working
properly and which are not, by flashing
• LED1 if the top light beam on the exit side is blocked
• LED2 flashes when the middle beam on the exit side is blocked
• LED3 flashes if the bottom beam on the exit side is blocked
• LEDs 5,6,7 correspond to the top, middle, and bottom light sensor channels on the entrance
side. These LEDs glow steadily (without flashing) to indicate good Photo Detector channels in
this alarm mode.
Finding Metal targets Without speed Violations
While the portal is occupied, the zone lights stay green, the status light glows yellow, and the ready
lights glow red. The LED bar graph reflects the received signal strength actively. If none of the three
zones received a target signal strong enough to exceed the current alarm threshold, the zone and ready
lights will turn green again when the subject comes out. This event, like all the other events, will be
logged automatically, and the M-Scope will be ready to scan the next subject.
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Zone indication
The M-Scope has three zones. If one or more of the zones detect target signals strong enough to exceed
the alarm threshold, the audio alert will sound, and the LED bar graph will flash several times. The
zone indicator light corresponding to the zone where the strongest signal was received will glow red.
The zone indicator light for any other zone that detected a signal strong enough to exceed the alarm
threshold will repeatedly change its color between red and green at a rate that will tend to make the
indicator light appear yellow. The zone indicator light for any zone that did not receive a threshold
crossing signal, will continue to glow green. No more than one zone indicator can glow red at a time.
No more than two can glow yellow (alternating red and green) at a time. Any combination of green
zone indicators is possible.
After finding target(s), the audio alert will continue to beep and the alarm indicator lights will continue
to flash for about five seconds before the M-Scope indicates readiness to accept the next subject with
a steady green ready light.
Key stuck alarm
When any key is held down for more than twenty seconds, the bar graph LEDs go dark, the zone
and ready indicators turn red, and the LCD screen shows the words “Key Is Stuck!”. It also shows a
representation of the keypad itself with the properly functioning keys shown with dark numerals on
light backgrounds, whereas the stuck key shows light numerals on dark background.
shut Down sequence
To shut down the M-Scope security gate, press the shut down key [numeral 0]. The LCD will show the
words “SHUTDOWN STARTED.” You must press the numeral 1 key within five seconds of the shutdown
screen’s appearance to complete the shut down process, or else the system will return to the normal
operating mode. The LED bar graph will illuminate singly, in descending order, marking the stages of
the shutdown process.
The M-Scope has an automatic self-shutdown safeguard that will prevent complete battery drainage. If
the battery level is too low, the unit will automatically shut down and will remain off until the battery
is sufficiently charged, or the battery charger is plugged in.
battery low alarm
The M-Scope is powered by sealed lead acid batteries similar to those used in automobiles. Keeping a
load on such batteries when their voltages are too low will eventually destroy them, so the M-Scope
design prevents that from happening. When the battery voltage gets too low, [i.e. < 11 Volts ], the LCD
announces “Low Battery Alarm” along with the batteries’ voltage level and the time remaining before
the unit shuts itself down. No matter how completely discharged the batteries are, the M-Scope will
work properly as long as the battery charger is connected.
The battery charger/power supply will fully charge both M-Scope batteries while in use. Charging time
is approximately 24 hours.
M-Scope batteries can also be fully charged and maintained while in storage by using the battery
charger/power supply with the optional Y cable assembly (PIN# 1508957). Charging while in storage
takes approximately 8 hours.
outside interference
If one or more of the M-Scope’s panels are not ready to detect targets, it could be due to outside
interference. A panel not ready to detect is indicated by the zone indicator LED glowing red, and the
ready LEDs on the entrance and exit sides of the M-Scope control panel glowing red. The unit will
then be ready to detect targets when the panel and ready LEDs turn green. This should only take a
few seconds.
If the M-Scope is set up in an area where interference occurs, the unit may not function properly. Try
moving the unit to an area where the panel and ready LEDs glow green, and there is an acceptable
level of ambient signal as indicated by the LED bargraph.
Some objects may not be detected because
of their composition, size and location on
the subject. If an undetected object passes
through the M-Scope that object may be
used as a weapon in a secure area to cause
injury or death.
The M-Scope should only be used by per-
sons trained and who have a thorough un-
derstanding of its operation. If the user of
a M-Scope does not follow the operating
manual and if the M-Scope is not set up
properly it can allow metal objects to pass
through undetected.
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser:
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser: