Cooking functions
There are a variety of cooking functions depending on your range model.
Before cooking on Fan or Bake functions, check the ‘Cooking charts’ for the recommended
shelf positions.
Fan cooking
Fan functions allow you to cook individual foods or several foods on different shelves and can
successfully be used for most foods. A fan circulates air throughout the oven giving a more
even temperature distribution.
Your oven may have some of the following fan functions:
A separate fan at the rear of the oven circulates hot air from the top and bottom
elements around the oven. The fan tends to dry the surface of the food being
cooked, which makes it suitable for crisping foods, eg slices, pastries and oven-
roasted vegetables. FAN BAKE can be used at a low temperature (50 °C) for
drying fruit, vegetables and herbs.
Multi-level fan forced cooking circulates heat from a fan element around the fan
throughout the oven. This function is particularly good for multi-shelf cooking,
batch baking or cooking several dishes together. Use FAN FORCED for casseroles
and baked vegetables, as you can place them anywhere in the oven except on
the oven floor.
The fan circulates heat from the grill element around the oven. FAN GRILL is
suitable for foods you would normally fry, eg sausages and meatballs. It also
cooks larger cuts of meat and whole chickens well, giving a result that is similar
to a rotisserie. Fan grilling is carried out with the door closed, and the oven does
not need to be preheated.
Hot Surface Hazard
Accessible parts will become hot when in use. Keep children away
and take care. Do not touch heating elements inside the oven.
Failure to do so could result in burns or scalds.