Possible Causes
What to do
Ensure the dryer is installed in a well-ventilated, dust-free
environment. Do not operate this dryer behind closed doors (ie
inside a cupboard).
Load overly wet at the start
of cycle.
Remove more water from the load before placing it in the dryer,
eg select a faster spin speed on your washer, if appropriate for
your load.
Load was damp dry at the
start of cycle.
If the load had been partially air dried, eg has been washed and
placed on the line, use a ‘Time Dry’ cycle and monitor the dryness
of your clothes.
Dryer not draining water
out properly.
Check the drain hose (if connected) for blockages or damage.
You may need to call for service
refer to ‘Customer care’ section.
Items got tangled.
Try separating items and drying similar items together.
Refer to
‘Loading’ for further tips.
Dryer is not
Drain hose not connected
to the water tank.
Ensure the drain hose is connected correctly.
Refer to ‘Draining’
the installation section of this guide.
Water tank not in place
Ensure water tank is properly in place.
Drain hose or drain blocked
or damaged.
Check drain hose (if connected) and drain for blockages or
Clothes getting
too hot or
Cycle selected not
appropriate for the load.
Ensure the cycle selected is appropriate for items in the load.
Refer to ‘Drying cycles’.
Items removed from dryer
before the end of cycle cool
down had finished.
Removing items before cool down may damage clothing if it is not
spread out and exposed to air to cool once removed from the
Dryer is
beeping and
a code on the
digital display
Dryer has a fault
Try turning the dryer off and waiting 30 seconds before turning it
back on.
Refer to ‘Fault codes’.
Small puddle of
water coming
from under the
Water tank not correctly
in place.
Ensure the water tank is correctly in place.
Water tank may need
to be emptied.
Refer to ‘Emptying the water collection tank’.
Water tank may be
Check the water tank for any signs of damage.
Updated: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 13:46:44 GMT
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