Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc. | 1.800.5000.FIS(347) | www.fiberinstrumentsales.com
Light Source Options/Operation
**PLEASE NOTE**: Before taking a reference, please let the source cycle
through in AUTO MODE for roughly five minutes in order to stabilize the
power output of the source.
“In certain temperature conditions especially when using the Single
mode test kit, it may be necessary to re-reference roughly 10 minutes
after the initial reference. As is the case with any light source & power
meter setup, if at some point the test results seem skewed or unexpect-
ed, the primary tactic the user should take is re-referencing the source
to the meter. Make sure to always practice proper cleaning procedures
on all connectors and equipment during this process.”
When the unit is turned on you will be on the SOURCE screen. Once FIS
splash screen disappears the source will be running in AUTO MODE, which
is the default operation. This mode will continuously cycle through the 12
channels until you press F1 again. You will notice a lightly shaded round icon
moving through the channels when the source is active. When the icon goes
dark, the source is off. To change the mode at which the source operates,
select F2 to go into the OPTIONS screen. Only plug female MPO/MTP con-
nectors into the light source at all times.
Options: Here you can use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the different
modes of operation:
A) Auto Sequence: Continuous cycle through all 12 channels on the
SOURCE screen, turned on and off by pressing F1
B) Manual Sequence: Once selected, the user can control, on the
SOURCE screen, which channel gets illuminated by using the up/down
arrows to highlight a particular channel and the F1 (source) key to turn
the source on or off.
C) All On: Choosing this mode will allow the user to illuminate all chan-
nels at once when F1 is pressed on the SOURCE screen. It will run for a
maximum of 10 seconds before turning off. You can turn it off sooner
by pressing F1 again.
D) 40 Gig Sequence: This mode will run a continuous cycle through
channels 1 through 4 and 9 through 12 only on the SOURCE screen,
turned on and off by pressing F1.