Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc. | 1.800.5000.FIS(347) | www.fiberinstrumentsales.com
Power Meter Operation
Taking a reference and test:
Two reference cord method
First turn on light source and press F1 to run source in Auto
Mode (default setting). Let it cycle through for about five
Clean the power meter port (male) as well as the female MPO
connector you are plugging in. Please do the same for the
Light Source port, which is also male.
Make sure you only insert female MPO connectors into the
power meter at all times.
Once the source has stabilized after five minutes, connect your
Type A polarity reference cords (provided) to the power meter
and light source. Use the provided mating sleeve in the kit to
connect the two reference cords together between the meter
and source (male to female).
Now, while the light source is sequencing through, turn the
power meter on and confirm that the meter is reading power
(dBm) on each channel as the source sequences through.
When ready, press F1 on the METER screen (“Zero Ref”) to take
a power reference
Follow the on screen instructions…
Once the reference is complete, disconnect the reference cords
from each other in the middle and introduce the cable under
test in between them.
Once the ‘cable under test’ cable is introduced, highlight the
polarity type of the cable you will be testing with the arrow
cursor and press F1 when ready to test.
The Power Meter will now automatically go back to the METER
screen and run a relative loss test; the value of measurement
will be in dB.
Once the source has scanned all 12 fibers, the Meter will have
the loss (dB) values displayed and only if a P/F threshold was
set, a PASS or FAIL will be displayed on the screen along with
the user defined threshold. If one fiber exceeds the set thresh
old the entire test fails. A “P” represents an individual fiber
passed and an “X” is an individual fiber that failed.