Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc. | 1.800.5000.FIS(347) | www.fiberinstrumentsales.com
Power Meter Options
When turning the meter ON, you will be at the METER screen. To enter
the OPTIONS screen press F3. Once in MENU OPTIONS, use the up/
down arrows to move the cursor to your desired selection. Press F1 to
make the selection and F3 to go back to the METER screen:
1) Polarity Check: When coupled with the light source, this fea-
ture will allow the user to check their cable for a variety of polari-
ties. Use the arrow key to highlight your selection. Make sure to
have the source in AUTO MODE and connected to the power meter
when using this feature.
2) Pass/Fail Thresholds: Use this option to set your pass/fail
threshold. You can set a threshold down to the hundredths of a
dB (0.01). Use the left/right arrows to choose which placement
to control (dictated by the underscore {_}) and then use the up/
down arrows to the desired value. Press SET (F1) to lock in the
new threshold. Resetting the threshold (F2) will default the value
to 0.00dB at which no P/F threshold will be listed on the METER
screen (“P/F is Off”).
3) Export Results: Select this option when the POWER METER is
connected to the PC. On the EXPORT screen you can use the up/
down arrows to select to export a single file, a range of files, or all
files. The up/down, left/right arrows will dictate which range of
files will be exported. Press F1 to export.
4) File Manager: This option allows the user to recall or erase files.
Follow the F-Key functions to carry out your commands.
5) Backlight: By highlighting this option, press F1 (select) to turn
the backlight on or off.