General System Functions
Only available on alarm/starter and alarm systems. Upon lock/arm and unlock/disarm, you can eliminate vehicle’s audible
confirmation by muting the siren. Normally, the siren will chirp once to indicate the system is locked/armed and twice to indicate the
system is unlocked/disarmed.
To mute the siren tap buttons simultaneously for a half second.
IMPORTANT: Even when the siren is muted, it will still sound in the event the alarm is triggered.
To silent your remote you must turn on vibration mode;
STEP 1:Enter remote programming mode by holding the Unlock and Trunk buttons simultaneously for 2.5 seconds.
STEP 2 : Tap the Start button five times to scroll through the menu. "Off " and the Vibrate icons will flash on the screen. Tap the
button again to turn vibrate mode on.
STEP 3: Exit remote programming by holding down the Unlock and Trunk buttons simultaneously for 2.5 seconds. The remote will beep
indicating that you have successfully exited programming.
Remote Mute / Vibration Mode
Silent Arm / Disarm
General System Functions
Hold the Lock and Trunk buttons simultaneously for 2.5 seconds to turn the shock sensor on and off. The remote will beep
twice, shock sensor icon will illuminate and lock icon flash showing the sensor is off. The remote will beep once, shock icon disappear
and lock icon flash showing the sensor is on.
IMPORTANT:Turning off the shock sensor also turns off any optional sensors.
Adjusting the shock sensor sensitivity is done at the actual sensor, which is generally mounted somewhere under the vehicle’s dashboard. The
higher the number on the dial means greater sensitivity to impact. The recommended dial setting for most vehicles is somewhere between 2 & 4. If
you are testing your sensor, please note that the shock sensor does not recognize impact for 30 seconds after the system has been armed.
Shock Sensor On/Off
By Firstech, LLC 24
25 By Firstech, LLC
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2011-6-10 12:05:45