Battery reaching end
Replace battery.
of life.
Battery fails to supply load.
See above.
Overdischarge. System
Reduce load or
undersized for the load.
increase capacity.
Faulty cell/s.
Replace cell/s unless
battery is near end of
Battery reaching end
Replace battery.
of life.
High operating temperatures.
Overcharge. Faulty Reset regulator
regulator settings.
Poor ventilation or
Improve ventilation,
batteries in sun.
re-site to shade.
Excessive water consumption.
On one cell, suspect
Confirm and re[lace.
leaking cell container or
faulty cell.
On complete battery.
Reset regulator
settings. Reduce
equalise charge.
Growth of positive post.
Early in life: overcharge.
Reset regulator
settings. Reduce
equalise charge.
Towards expected end
Budget for.
of life normal. Indication
that failure may occur
August 2017