HotPoint 5200 access point setup
HotPoint 5200 Access Point Hardware Installation Guide 7
HotPoint 5200 access points have three LEDs:
2.4GHz radio
5GHz radio
LED boot operation
During boot up, LEDs operate in this order:
All LEDs come on for 5 seconds.
The 5GHz radio LED goes off.
The 5GHz radio LED comes on again after 5 seconds. This action shows that
the LED driver started.
After 15 seconds, the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz radio LEDs go off. This shows that
the system is ready.
LED operation during client association and data traffic
During client association and data traffic, LEDs operate this way:
When clients associate, the appropriate radio LED comes on.
After the LED is on, the appropriate LED blinks to indicate the date rate.
When no clients are available, the radio LED stays off.
LED operation during a firmware upgrade
During a firmware upgrade, the 2.4GHz radio LED blinks quickly.
By default, Radio 1 operates in the 2.4 GHz band, and Radio 2 operates in the 5
GHz band.
Ground screw
The ground screw is between the Ethernet and power connectors.