Firetide HotPoint 5200 Installation Manual Download Page 13

HotPoint 5200 access point setup 

HotPoint 5200 Access Point Hardware Installation Guide  7 







HotPoint 5200 access points have three LEDs: 




2.4GHz radio 


5GHz radio 


LED boot operation


During boot up, LEDs operate in this order: 


All LEDs come on for 5 seconds. 



The 5GHz radio LED goes off. 



The 5GHz radio LED comes on again after 5 seconds. This action shows that 

the LED driver started. 



After 15 seconds, the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz radio LEDs go off. This shows that 
the system is ready. 


LED operation during client association and data traffic


During client association and data traffic, LEDs operate this way: 


When clients associate, the appropriate radio LED comes on. 


After the LED is on, the appropriate LED blinks to indicate the date rate. 


When no clients are available, the radio LED stays off. 


LED operation during a firmware upgrade


During a firmware upgrade, the 2.4GHz radio LED blinks quickly. 




By default, Radio 1 operates in the 2.4 GHz band, and Radio 2 operates in the 5 
GHz band. 


Ground screw


The ground screw is between the Ethernet and power connectors. 

Summary of Contents for HotPoint 5200

Page 1: ...HotPointTM HardwareInstallationGuide HotPoint 5200 Access Point Published March 2014 Revised 2016 ...

Page 2: ...iableconnectivityanywhere HotPort andHotPointareall trademarksofFiretide Inc Allothertrademarksarethepropertyoftheir respective owners Informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnotice Firetide Inc 2105S BascomAvenue Suite220 Campbell CA95008 USA www firetide com ...

Page 3: ...gerof electrocutionisprobable Thisimageappearsbeforeeachelectrical hazard statement Warnings contain safety information that you must obey If you do notobeytheinstructioninawarning theresultmightincludeserious injuryordeath Thisimageappearsbeforeeachwarningstatement Cautions contain information that you should obey to avoid minor injury inconvenience anddamagetoequipment Thisimageappears beforeeac...

Page 4: ...einformation Youmustalsohaveadministratoraccesstothemeshtobeabletoreceive technical support Thenexttableliststhecontactinformationforcustomersupport Worldwide customer support Days Hours Contact Americas Monday to Friday 7 00amto5 30pmPST Pacific standard time http www firetide com requestsupport 1 877 FIRETIDE extension 2 1 408 399 7771 extension2 1 408 355 7271 Africa Monday to Friday http www f...

Page 5: ...ptional accessories 2 HotPoint 5200 access point setup 3 Verifyingtheboxcontents 3 PartsofaHotPointaccesspoint 3 Attachingcablesandconnectors 4 Connectingacomputertoanewaccesspoint 4 LEDs 7 LEDbootoperation 7 LEDoperationduringclientassociationand data traffic 7 LEDoperationduringafirmwareupgrade 7 Radios 7 Groundscrew 7 Outdoordeviceinstallation 9 Safeinstallationpractices 10 Preparing earth grou...

Page 6: ...ennas for outdoor use 17 Attaching anantenna 17 Connecting antennas 18 Recommendations for indoor use 18 Recommendations for corrosive environments 18 Weatherproof procedures 19 Tools and materials to weatherproof connections 20 Makingaweatherproofantennaconnection 20 Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection 22 Troubleshooting 25 Resettinganoutdoornodetofactorydefaultsettings25 Improvingclientexpe...

Page 7: ...tsantennas isacompletesystemforwireless access service delivery ThenextfigureshowstheHotPoint5200accesspointcorrectlyorientedfor installation to a poleormast InlocationswhereaccesstoEthernetorpowerislimited theaccesspointcan receive Power over Ethernet PoE Caution A HotPort 7020 cannot supply power to a HotPoint 5200 access point TheHotPoint5200accesspointhasaUL2043plenum ratedenclosureandhas thes...

Page 8: ...ew Pro HotViewProisarobustnetworkmanagementsoftware NMS Itletsyoumanage manyFiretidedevicesatthesametime TouseHotViewProyouneedtopurchase onemanagementlicenseforeachaccesspoint Optionalaccessories These accessories are available for purchase 2 4GHz 8dBiomni directional3x3MIMOantenna AO 024 MIMO 8 5GHz 8dBiomni directional3x3MIMOantenna A0 050 MIMO 9 LMR400cablewithlowlosslightningsuppressors 1 5ml...

Page 9: ...ins these items OneHotPoint5200accesspoint Onepowercable USAtype OnePower over Ethernet PoE injector Sixdual band2 4GHzand5GHz 3dBiomni directionalstagingantennas SixSMAtotype Nplugadapters OneEthernetcable Onefield installableEthernetconnector Mount kit Quick Start Guide Ifanyoftheseitems ismissingfromthebox callyourresellerforhelp Parts of a HotPoint access point Thenextpictureshowstheradios LED...

Page 10: ...OUTportofthePoEinjector AttachanotherEthernetcablefromtheadministrator scomputerto theINportofthePoEinjector Optional Attachthepowercabletoapowersource Connecting a computer to a newaccess point YouneedtochangetheTCP IP4settingsonyourcomputersothatyoucan communicatewiththeaccesspoint Thefirsttimeyouconnecttotheaccess point youneedtochangetheTCP IP4settingonyourcomputer Note IfyouareusingPoE connec...

Page 11: ...are Installation Guide 5 Fromthecomputerconnectedtotheaccesspoint dothestepsforyour operating system Windows7users a Go toStart and then in thesearchbox enter View Network Connections b Right click Local Area Connection Properties c FromtheNetworkingtab selectTCP IP4 ...

Page 12: ...e network connections b Right clickLocalAreaConnectionsandselectProperties c Select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 and select Properties 3 EnteranIPaddress subnetmaskforyourcomputeroftheformat 192 168 224 xxx wherexxxisanaddressonthesamesubnetastheaccess point andthenclickApply Caution Do not use 192 168 224 160 It is the default address of the access point 4 Fromacommandpromptwindow pingthe...

Page 13: ...4GHzand5GHzradioLEDsgooff Thisshowsthat thesystemisready LED operation during client association and data traffic Duringclientassociationanddatatraffic LEDsoperatethisway Whenclientsassociate theappropriateradioLEDcomeson After theLEDison theappropriateLEDblinksto indicatethedaterate Whenno clients areavailable the radio LEDstays off LED operation duringa firmware upgrade Duringafirmwareupgrade th...

Page 14: ...HotPoint 5200 access point setup 8 HotPoint5200AccessPointHardwareInstallationGuide ...

Page 15: ...s point 8 MakesureyoucanconnecttothewirelessLANorInternet Warning Qualified professionalsmust installHotPoint5200access points Failuretoinstallthisequipmentproperlycan resultin equipmentdamage personalinjury ordeath Electrical shock hazard warning This device connects to non insulatedvoltagesofsufficientmagnitudetobeariskoflethalelectric shock to persons Warning Do not install Firetide products wh...

Page 16: ...hort circuitwithintheequipmentconnectedtotheantenna TheHotPoint5200 accesspointhaslightningprotection Makesurethatallequipment connectedtotheHotPoint5200accesspointhasthesamelevelof protection Use10AWGground wireand corrosion resistant connectors to connect the base of the antenna pole or tower directly to the building protective ground ortooneormoreapprovedgroundingrods RefertotheNationalElectric...

Page 17: which the node is attached is not properly grounded thenodecanbedamagedbyapowersurge Togroundanode 1 Calculatethecorrectgaugeofwiretobeusedinthisprocedure Refertothe NationalElectricalCodeforgroundinginformation Caution Thecertified installer is responsiblefor the correct calculation ofthewiregaugeandotheraccessoriesthatmightberequiredto ensureproperearthground 2 Terminateallantennaconnectors S...

Page 18: ...enna connector1to2 h Repeat for second radio ifpresent i IfyouarenotusingRadio2 terminateallthreeantennaconnectors with 50 Ohm terminators 3 Removethegroundscrewfromthebottompanel 4 Insertthegroundlugfortheenclosure 5 Tightenthegroundscrewtosecurethegroundlugtothenode To earth ground 6 Crimpthelugthatholdsthewirefromantennaconnector3andthe enclosure ...

Page 19: ...rtifiedinstallerforgrounding materialsforyourapplication Nowyouarereadytoweatherproofthecableconnections Requiredtools Common tools used for installations include 1 2 inchopen endwrench 7 16 inopen endwrench 3 8 inchopen endwrench Phillips screwdriver Channel lockorslip jointpliers RJ 45crimping tool and maleplug Waterproofingtapeorbutylmastictoweatherproofconnections ...

Page 20: ...nceforearthground requirements and electricity Note Collect all tools before you install the access point 1 Toa polethatyou caninstallatapermanentoutdoor site attachthese items U boltsandmountplatefortheaccesspoint Antennas PoEinjector Caution The PoE injector is not weatherproof Do not expose it to rain ordirectsunlight Anyotheraccessories suchasanenclosureforthePoEinjector that needsto goonthepo...

Page 21: ...iewrapstokeepthecablestidy 4 Givethe accesspointpower If PoEisconnectedcorrectly theLEDs onthe PoE injectorglow 5 PutweatherproofingaroundthePoEconnection Caution The PoE injector is not for outdoor use 6 Verifythattheaccesspointworks Pingthe IP address OpentheWebinterface Installing a HotPort 5200 access point to a pole or wall TheHotPort5200accesspointhasatwo piecemountassembly Onehalfofthemount...

Page 22: ...aroundthemountingpole TheU boltsare largeenoughtoaccommodatelargepoles Thenextfigureisatopviewofa pole and mount plateand the hardware for oneside of the U bolt Put the hardwareonbothsidesoftheU bolt Note Ifyou installtheaccesspointtoasmall diameterpole youmusteithercut the U bolts to length or usefour additional spacer nuts not included ...

Page 23: ...ntingsystemconsistsofapoleclampassembly apivotlink andan antenna bracket Requiredmaterials flatwashersandlockwashers Toattachanantennatoa mast 1 Attachthepivotlinktothepoleclampassembly Putaflatwasherunderthe bolt head Underthenut put a flat washer and lock washer 2 Attachthepoleclampassembly tothepole Putaflatwasherunderthebolt heads andunderthenutsputaflatwasherandlockwasher 3 Attachtheantennabr...

Page 24: ...ble to the Radio 1 side left of theaccesspoint ForaMIMOantennacable useallthreeantennaconnectors ForanOFDMantennacable attachthelightningarrestortoantenna connector 1 3 Repeat step 2 for Radio 2 right 4 Ifanyantennaconnectorsarenotconnectedtoalightningarrestor installa 50Ohmterminatortoeachuncoveredantennaconnector Youarereadytoweatherproofalloftheconnections See Weatherproof procedures onpage17 R...

Page 25: ...ccess point Put weatherproofing where lightningarrestorandmeshnodemeet lightningarrestorantennacablemeet Best practice You can use colored tape for easy identification of the connectors fromthe meshnodetotheantenna Butylmasticisasyntheticrubbersealantthatyoucanusetomakeaconnection weatherproof Itisslightlysticky andstays flexible it bondstoitselftomakea goodseal Butylmasticandalayerofelectricaltap...

Page 26: ...esfuturechangeseasierthanmastictapeputdirectlyonthecable Vinyl electricaltapeasacoveroverthemastictapepreventsthemasticfrommelting in hot weather Rubbersplicingormastictape alsoknownasself amalgamating self sealing self fusing non vulcanizedtape Pencilorwoodendowelforsmallclearances Cleaning supplies if necessary Laptop running HotView software Makingaweatherproofantennaconnection Youneedtoputtape...

Page 27: ...d to approximately2 5 cm 1inch of cable Overlap the tape by 40 with eachturn Note Wrap the electrical tape on a pencil or wooden dowel when you have little clearance Note Tomakeastrongwatertightconnection keepahighleveloftensioninthe butylmasticwhenyoustretchitoverthecableandconnector 6 Tightlywrapalayerofmastictapeovertheelectricaltape 7 Wrap a layer of electrical tape smoothsideout sticky sidein...

Page 28: ...leandconnectors areclean Cleanoff oil water grease and dirt 3 Wrap a layer of electrical tape sticky side out over the arrestor to node connectorandwrapapproximately2 5cm 1inch ofcable Overlapthetape by 40 with each turn 4 Repeatfortheantennacabletoarrestorconnection Note Tomakeastrongwatertightconnection keepahighleveloftensioninthe butylmasticwhenyoustretchitoverthecableandconnector 5 Tightlywra...

Page 29: ...Wrap a layer of electrical tape smoothsideout sticky sidein overthe mastic tape 7 Wrapasecond layerof electrical tapeoverthefirst layerofelectrical tape Thelightningarrestorconnectionsarereadyforinstallationinanoutdoor environment ...

Page 30: ...Weatherproof procedures 24 HotPoint5200AccessPointHardwareInstallationGuide ...

Page 31: ...esetyouneed Paper clip stiff wire or thinpiece of plastic orwood Computer with HotView Pro Ethernetcable Screwdriveroradjustablewrench dependsonmodelofnode Todoahardwareresetforanoutdoornode 1 Supplypowertothenode ThepowerLEDcomeson Afteroneminute thenodeisreadytobereset 2 Dothestepcorrectforthemodelofnode Ifthenodehasaresetscrew useascrewdrivertoremovethescrew Ifthenodehasapressurevalve useyourfi...

Page 32: ...ubleshooting Improving client experience and device performance Iftheaccesspointdisconnectsclientsrepeatedly changetheRTS CTSvalueto 128 Toimprovedeviceperformance assignspecificchannelstotheaccesspoint Do not use theautomatic channel selection feature auto ...
