Upsee User Manual
Frequently Asked
Therapy and the Upsee
1.1 What are the benefits of the
Upsee over other mobility aids?
While it depends on the ability of your
child, the Upsee can offer a number of
advantages over other mobility aids.
It provides the possibility of weight
bearing through lower limbs which
can change according to the abilities
of your child. The Upsee enables active
assisted movement so your child can
stand and step to the best of their
ability with the minimum level of
assistance provided by you. Because
you can feel your child’s stepping
movementsthrough the double
sandal, Upsee enables you to provide
assistance to step as required. Upsee
provides the possibility of cruising –
moving sideways along furniture. The
type of support provided by the Upsee
means that the child’s hands are
free to play, while giving the child the
potential to achieve hip abduction (legs
apart) and actively work trunk muscles
in standing – and it’s motivational
because it can be done during play.
And of course, in addition to the clinical
and developmental opportunities,
the Upsee is lightweight and easily
portable. It allows parents to help their
child to experience standing, stepping
and fulfil their physical potential
through family participation.
1.2 Is using the Upsee therapy, play or
The Upsee is potentially all three!
Children may gain the therapeutic
benefits of supported standing
and stepping while they play and
participate in sports and family
activities. See the User Instructions for
more ideas about to how to use the
Upsee indoors and outdoors.
1.3 Should my child wear their splints/
braces while using the Upsee?
Yes, if they usually wear them for
weight-bearing activities. If you’re not
sure, check which splints are being
used during physical therapy sessions.
For lower limbs, ankle splints (AFOs)
may help to address problem of knees
locking back into hyperextension. If
knees are still locked back when
wearing ankle splints, try standing
facing down a very gentle slope
while using the Upsee. This should
encourage knee bend (flexion). In
addition, lower limb gaiters may help
keep knees straight.
For upper limbs – arm gaiters may
assist in keeping elbows straight and
enable your child to hold the handle of
push-along wheeled toy.