Refuelling Your Grill
The Kamado BBQ will remain at a high temperature for several hours if you keep
the unit’s top and bottom vents closed. Should you need
longer cooking times (for
slow-smoking or cooking a whole cut of meat), for example, you may need to add
more charcoal. To do this, simply open the grill’s lid, add the charcoal, and then
continue cooking according to directions.
Low-Temperature Cooking Guide
1. Using the instructions listed on page 6, light the lump charcoal. Once lit, do not
attempt to move or stoke the coals.
2. Fully open the Kamado BBQ’s bottom vent and open the lid for 10 minutes in
order to create a bed of hot ember.
3. Monitor the grill until the temperature has risen to the intended level.
4. Close the Kamado BBQ’s bottom vent to maintain this temperature.
5. The Kamado BBQ is now ready for low temperature cooking.
6. When opening the lid, be sure to lift it only slightly, allowing the air to enter the
unit slowly and safely. This will prevent flare-ups and any backdrafts.
High-Temperature Cooking Guide
1. Using the instructions listed in this manual, light the lump charcoal, close the
Kamado’s lid, and open the top and bottom vents.
2. Close the unit’s bottom vent halfway and monitor the temperature for the next
few minutes.
3. The Kamado is now ready for high temperature cooking.
4. When opening the lid, be sure to lift it only slightly, allowing the air to enter the
unit slowly and safely. This will prevent flare-ups and any backdrafts.