Audio Command Center Series Manual —
P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Section 1: Product Description
The ACC-25/50 Series consists of the AUDIO•COMMAND•CENTER•25/50 (ACC-25/50), the
AUDIO•COMMAND•CENTER•25/50 Zone System (ACC-25/50ZS), and the AUDIO•COM-
MAND•CENTER•25/50 Zone System with Telephone (ACC-25/50ZST) which are single channel,
25 watt, 25 VRMS, emergency voice evacuation panels. The ACC-25/50 provides up to two
speaker circuits while the ACC-25/50ZS and ACC-25/50ZST support up to eight speaker circuits.
Each panel provides the ability to record five field programmable messages (up to 60 seconds total
message duration) with an integral microphone or from an external audio source. An integral
power supply with battery charger supplies operational power. An ACC-AAM25 audio amplifier is
provided standard with each base unit. An optional second ACC-AAM25 amplifier is also avail-
able for backup purposes or to provide an additional channel of 25 watts. Optional 70 VRMS con-
version modules are also available for installations where 70 VRMS speakers are to be installed or
already exist. An optional External Page Module (ACC-EPM) is available for interfacing to nonfire
paging systems. The modular design allows for ease-of-serviceability.
Automatic activation of the ACC-25/50 by an FACP is possible via the five Command Input Cir-
cuits (CMD). The ACC-25/50ZS and ACC-25/50ZST can be automatically activated by the CMD
inputs or via the ACS serial communications link from the MS-9600, MS-9200UDLS, MS-
9200UD, MS-9200(E) and MS-5210UD FACPs.
Two Command Input Circuits can be independently field programmed for activation by an FACP
Notification Appliance Circuit reverse polarity or by closure of a supervised normally open contact
and three Command Input Circuits activate on contact closure. CMD 1 and CMD 2 provide termi-
nals for NAC input and output to allow installation of the audio panel anywhere along the NAC cir-
cuit being used to activate it. Options via the Command Inputs allow one 60 second message, two
30 second messages, three 20 second messages, four 15 second messages or five 12 second mes-
The ACC-25/50ZS and ACC-25/50ZST include an ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module with keypad
and an ACC-ZSM Zone Splitter Module. These modules provide up to eight speaker circuits that
may be manually or automatically activated.
The ACC-25/50ZST includes an ACC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone Module with keypad which
provides indications of phone activation, remote page activation, remote microphone activation and
corresponding trouble conditions. Additionally, up to 24 telephone circuits can be annunciated at
the ACC-FFT by connecting addressable monitor modules to the optional FPJ-F or RPJ-F Remote
Page Jacks.
Significant technological enhancements set the ACC-25/50 Series apart from other voice panels.
These enhancements include full supervision in both active (alarm or music) and standby condi-
. Supervision is provided for:
amplifier outputs
field wiring (shorts and opens)
message generator
all tone generators
telephones (optional)
If the message generator fails, the system automatically reverts to the primary tone generator. If the
primary tone generator fails, one of three backups become enabled.
Power is fed independently to each amplifier so that a short circuit in one amplifier will not shut
down the other. Full output power of 25 watts per amplifier is generated while in a low battery con-
dition. Power is not diminished when the optional 70 V
transformer module is installed. Audio
is amplified utilizing modern integrated circuits as opposed to transformer technology. This pro-
vides for very low signal distortion for crystal clear audio.