Starting your first “real fire”
After successfully completing the initial firing: Check to be sure the spin drafts are wide open
to allow oxygen into the burn chamber. Place several crumpled newspapers on the grate with some dry
kindling layered on top of the papers, ignite the newspaper. When the kindling is burning, add several
small pieces of wood - allow the wood to fully engage in flames. After about 10 minutes the fire should
be established, allowing you to add more wood - do not overload and smother the fire - add the wood
slowly so the flames have time to engulf the fresh wood. Once the fire is burning and there is a glowing
ember bed, adjust the draft to achieve the desired burn pattern. Learning how to adjust the draft to
achieve the desired burn for your home may take a few days. After a short time you will know which
adjustment works best for your home. If you are experiencing burn times of two to four hours, you are
over-firing the furnace. Over-firing by overloading/over fuelling the furnace causes the metal to super-
heat and expand, then cool rapidly which causes cracking, therefore voiding the warranty. Over-firing
or abuse can easily be determined upon inspection.
Never use chemicals or gasoline to start or maintain your fire. Do not burn oil, garbage,
trash, plastic or any fuel other than wood in this furnace, doing so will void the warranty.
Fuel Recommendations: MAXIMUM Log Size, 34”; a pair of heat resistant gloves are recom-
We advise using only seasoned hard woods in your Fire Chief OS2200 rather than highly ros-
ined wood such as pine.
Firewood should be cut at least one full season prior to the time of its intended
use. Firewood should be stacked to provide a free flow of air between the logs, thus allowing more
rapid seasoning.
If wood is to be stored outside, it should be completely covered year round to protect
it from moisture and exposure to the elements.
Use extreme caution when opening the doors during operation, temperatures can exceed 300°
- wait ten seconds after releasing the first latch, then proceed to the fully open position. The dual latch
system has been incorporated as a safety feature - designed to eliminate the possibility of a gaseous
ignition. A pair of heat resistant gloves are recommended when opening the fuel door, regulating the
spin draft or removing the ash pan
Ash Removal: A pair of heat resistant gloves are recommended
Remove the ashes from your Fire Chief OS2200 at least once a day - or as often as necessary to
ensure that the ashes do not accumulate to the height of the grates. If ash build-up occurs at grate level,
it will cause premature failure of the grates, voiding the warranty on the grates. The air flow was
designed to keep the grates cool in addition to providing the firebox with warmed air for better com-
bustion. If the ash level is improperly maintained, the firebox will be starved for air, greatly reducing
the efficiency and heat output of your furnace. Place hot ashes in a covered airtight metal container -
place the container on a non-combustible surface. Discard the hot ashes in a safe manner.
Wood Storage:
We can not emphasize the importance of keeping your wood supply covered at all times.
Wood stored/stacked, uncovered, exposed to rain and snow has a higher moisture content, causing the
formation of creosote, smokes, takes longer to ignite, produces poorer fires and ends up costing more
in time trying to get it up to the proper temperature. Covering the woodpile will keep it dry and offer
you the hottest fires with the greatest btu output. If you store the wood near your furnace, be sure to
maintain proper clearance from the furnace to prevent a fire hazard. Remember, keeping your wood
dry will produce hotter fires with increased btu output.