Flight Mode:
GPS Mode
To achieve precise hovering, the drone is equipped with a GPS module. The intelligent
flight function works in GPS mode. Users can enable Sport Mode or Beginner Mode
in the flight settings. When the Beginner Mode is on, the flight speed, flight distance,
flight altitude and RTH altitude will be limited. In sport mode, the maximum flight speed
is 16m/s, the maximum ascending speed is 5m/s, and the maximum descending speed
is 3.5m/s.
VPU Mode (Vision Processing Unit Mode)
An Optical Flow module is also built into the drone for precise hovering and landing
at the home point. In VPU mode, the intelligent flight function is not supported. The
maximum flight speed is 10m/s (36 km/h), the maximum ascending speed is 3m/ s
(11 km/h), and the maximum descending speed is 2m/s (7 km/h). When the drone is
flying above a well-lit ground with a clear texture and the GPS signal is poor, it will
switch automatically to VPU mode.
ATTI Mode (Altitude Mode)
When the GPS signal is poor or the compass has interference, the drone enters in
ATTI mode. In this mode, the drone can start drifting horizontally and intelligent flight
mode is not supported. Therefore, in case of any accidents, we recommend flying in
an open area with good GPS signal reception. Once the drone enters in ATTI mode,
please land in a safe place as soon as possible.