Blade CHROMA BLH8660 Reference Manual Download Page 1

Startup Codes

Flying Codes

Battery level indication at startup .......

Transmitter off or not bound to the quad ...

Bind mode .........................................

Compass calibration needed ..............
Emergency mode

(cycle power to reinitialize).................

Low battery warning 1 (10.9V),

every 3 seconds
Low battery warning 2 (10.6V), 

continuous, rapid fl ashing

Re turn to home mode active (solid red)
Re turn to home mode active, loss of GPS

(rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, then once 

every second)

En tering Follow Me mode

(GPS acquired)

En tering Smart mode

(GPS acquired)

En tering  AP  mode

(GPS acquired)

En tering Stability mode

(GPS acquired)

En tering  Agility  mode

(GPS acquired)

Smart, AP and Return to Home Modes

Stability and Agility Modes

Normal operation

with GPS lock (all solid)

Normal operation

with GPS lock (all solid)

Normal operation

with GPS lock (all solid)

Normal operation

with GPS lock (all solid)

All solid white

Solid white front, rear fl ashes

active fl ight mode color

Normal operation

with GPS lock (all solid)

Camera tracking

with GPS lock (all solid)

Smart Mode

AP Mode

Stability Mode

Agility Mode

Return Home


Follow Me Mode (ST-10+ only)

Lo ss of GPS (rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, 

then once every second)

Lo ss of GPS (rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, 

then once every second)

Lo ss of GPS (rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, 

then once every second)

Lo ss of GPS (rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, 

then once every second)

Lo ss of GPS (rapid fl ash for 2 seconds, 

then once every second)

GPS lock is required on both the quadcopter and the ST-10+ transmitter for 

Follow Me Mode to function.


 If you see the LED signal for low battery (10.6V),

immediately land your aircraft and recharge the battery.


 Do not attempt to use Return Home with a low battery.

LED Codes





©2015 Horizon Hobby, LLC.

Blade, Chroma and the Horizon Hobby logo are trademarks

or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, LLC. Patents pending

Created 10/15   51235 (EN)

R E F E R E N C E   G U I D E
