Finding Records
eForms User Guide
Operators Definitions
< less than
<= less than or equal
> greater than
=> greater than or equal
= exact match
... range
! duplicates
/ / today’s date
? invalid date or time
@ one character
* zero or more characters
“” literal text
When making a ‘Find Request’, you can use wildcards to find words when you’re not sure of all the
characters. FileMaker Pro looks for the words in text fields and in calculation fields with a text
Choose the ‘@’ wildcard when you know the number of unknown characters in a field but are not
sure what they are.
For example, to find Gray and Grey, type Gr@y.
Wildcards (see below)
Number range criteria
Range - Numbers, Dates, Alphabetical
(example= 1/1/93...1/1/94 returns all records
within those dates inclusive)
Exact match (text)
Only duplicated records with the selected
Choose this option when you want to include all records except those meeting the selected criteria.
Example: “Mary” as the selected criteria with ‘Omit’ checked will find all records except those
with “Mary” in that field.
Click on ‘Operators’ button to select
range, wildcard, and other criteria.
Click on the ‘Perform Find’ button (or press ‘Enter’) to execute Find.
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