Entering Information
eForms User Guide
Check Boxes, Pop-up Menus, and Radio Buttons
Most forms include boxes that require a check or ‘X’ in the box to define information. These
features are also found in FileMaker Pro.
Three different options of limited information may be included on the form. They are:
Check Boxes - more than one may be checked as needed:
Radio Buttons - only one may be checked at a time:
Pop-up Lists - popular choices show - simply click
on selection and it shows - can be overwritten:
Repeating Fields
Another type of field used extensively in FileMaker Pro is a repeating field or a comb. In forms such
as the Travel Expense Voucher, (DOT Form 133-103) repeating fields make up the majority of the
form. These fields have slightly different properties from the regular single fields.
In value lists, you can use the keyboard to enter values for radio (option) buttons, checkboxes, and
pop-up (drop-down) lists. Tab into the field and type the first letter of the value that you want to enter,
or use the arrow keys to select it. Then press the Space bar to enter the value.
Text Fields can contain up to 64,000 characters, however depending how the layout is
arranged, not all data may show when printed. The only data that will print is what is displayed
within the defined field boundary within that layout. The extra data is still in the database, it will
simply not print. To format text within a field see Section 4, Text Formatting.
You can also use the keyboard to navigate between fields in a record, items in a value list, and
records in a database
in Browse.
To move to
The next field (in the established
tab order) in a record
The previous field
Items in a value list
Arrow keys
(except pop-up menus)
The next record in the database
Ctrl+Down Arrow or Shift+PgDn
The previous record in the database
Ctrl+Up Arrow or Shift+PgUp
You can't press Tab to select summary and calculation fields in Browse; you must click
in the field.
Pop-up Menus - click on selection and it shows -
cannot be overwritten:
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