MCM1000S/L GBE module
– General Description
This module provides conversion from a fiber-optic multimode GBE link (1000Base-SX)
to a Single Mode Link (1000Base-LX) to allow extension of up to 80km. The
MCM1000S/L is based on a full digital technology: signals from one F/O port are
converted to digital electrical signals, fully retimed, then converted again to F/O and
transmitted from the second port. This design provides a resilient conversion, advanced
control and diagnostic features. In addition it facilitates special applications like daisy
chaining, back-to-back and management. Port 1 is 1000Base-SX or LX type. Port 2 is
defined as 1000Base-LX for link distances and is normally connected to a remote unit.
The module may act as an Extender Media Converter if Port 1 is 1000Base-LX type.
(Refer to section 3 for a complete list of available GbE modules)
Single Fiber Strand modules (SX/LX 20, 40Km) are also available.
Link Segmentation Test
) allows easy link test segmentation (LST ON=Test mode)
to locate a failed link segment and in LST OFF mode (Fault Propagation mode) the shut
down of the entire link if one of the F/O link is disrupted and Network Device notification
of the link failure. A front panel LED will show the LST setting for each F/O port.
function (for each port) simplifies troubleshooting of link problems.
Incoming received data on the RX port is looped back and transmitted from the TX port.
Each port provides separate Link and Activity indications for enhanced diagnostics.
Like other MetroStar modules, the MCM1000S/L is fully SNMP managed. All MetroStar
modules are hot swappable. A special LED indicates that the module is well inserted in
its slot and “alive” even before links are established. The MCM1000S/L module is
managed via the MetroStar Management module. (MMM-01or MMM-04 module)
The embedded MA™ (Micro Agent) is an on chip management system enabling the
management of remote access devices eliminating the need of a SNMP agent and IP
address. When the MCM1000S/L module is connected through its F/O link to a remote
device, which is MA™ enabled, a comprehensive set of monitoring and control functions
can be implemented from the SNMP management module (located in the MetroStar) into
the attached remote MA devices.
The MCM1000S/L modules family supports another unique outstanding feature:
(Subscriber Link Emulation) enabled through the system management (for a detailed
description, refer to section 11)
– Features Summary
Two fiber (1000Base-SX/LX to 1000Base-LX) ports
Conversion method: Direct Digital with LST capability
SNMP managed including Telnet
MMM-04 Management :SNMP, Web, CLI (Console, Telnet, SSH)
Remote MA devices management. Front panel MA Active LED
Covered distance: up to 120Km point to point, more if cascaded
Single Fiber Strand (SFS) modules (up to 20, 40Km)
LST: Link Segmentation Test for each port: allows to locate a failing segment
within a network
F/O Loop Back for each F/O port
Diagnostics LED indicators for Link and Activity monitoring each F/O port
On board DIP switches for LB (loop-back) and LST for each F/O port
Supports SLE (Subscriber Link Emulation) through system management
Supports OFC (Offline Configuration Facility)