WARNING: Operation of the Guideline 4000 LP+TM in proximity of short wave or microwave therapy equipment may produce
instability in the electrical stimulator output.
WARNING: Do not arrange electrodes and equipment in such a way that stimulation current may pass through the heart.
CAUTION: Incorrect setup could degrade recording and stimulation performance. Refer to equipment labeling and directions for
use for instructions.
WARNING: Do not connect earth-referenced signals to the patient lead inputs of the Guideline 4000 LP+.
WARNING: Failure to correctly set the spike discriminator thresholds may result in inaccurate or insufficient targeting information.
CAUTION: Keep the BNC protective covers in place when the auxiliary inputs and outputs are not in use.
CAUTION: Voltage read-back of stimulation output may be inaccurate when using customized waveforms and stimulation trains.
7. Identify the implantation site.
a. Click on the “Data Analysis” tab at the top-left of the screen to view Raster, RMS versus depth, and mean firing rate versus depth
b. Select “Raster” at the top-center of the screen to see snapshots of all recordings on all channels side-by-side. Right-click on
snapshots to classify recordings. Double-click on snapshots to replay recordings.
c. Select “Data Analysis” at the top-center of the screen to view root-mean-square (RMS) voltage versus depth and mean-firing-rate
(MFR) versus depth plots for all channels.
d. Click on the “Guidance” tab at the top-left of the computer screen to view an illustrative model of the electrode track and
surrounding structures.
WARNING: Do not use the illustrative model (“Guidance”) as the sole indication of electrode position. This model is provided for
reference only and should not be interpreted literally.
8. Save patient data.
a. Patient data will be automatically preserved until the patient is deleted from the “Patient Explorer” on the left-hand side of the
screen. Patient data can be exported to a file (.glr file format) by clicking the “Patient” button and selecting “Export.” Multiple
patients can be saved to an archive (.gla file format) by clicking the “Patient” button and selecting “Archive.”
9. Shut down the Guideline 4000 LP+.
a. Shut down the LP+ by clicking the “System” button and selecting “Shutdown”.
b. Wait until the computer fully shuts down, then power off the LP+, speakers, and microTargeting Controller.
For more information on running the LP+, refer to the Guideline 4000 LP+ help files. Click on the “Help” button at the top of the
computer screen. Alternatively, contact GNS at 1-800-326-2905 or +1-207-666-8190. These files are available in paper format
upon request.
Note: Please reference the Directions for Use for other devices as needed:
microTargeting STar Drive
microTargeting Drive
microTargeting Drive Accessories
microTargeting Electrodes
microTargeting Insertion Tubes