Festo MTRE−ST42−48S−.. 0503b English
of it. Small deviations from the "critical" step frequency usually show good
Make the acceleration ramps steeper.
The stepping motor is "pulled" through the critical areas quickly and so does
not tend so quickly to oscillate.
Increase the friction (emergency solution)
Friction dampens the entire system, but useful torque is lost.
Stepping motor MTRE−ST−...
Stepping motor MTRE−ST−... serves for driving spindle and toothed belt axes of
series DGE−... .
By means of digital inputs, the direction of movement as well as the step can be
specified. Motor MTRE−ST42−48S−AB also has a brake.
Performance characteristics:
Bipolar chopper driver
Input voltage 24 V DC to 48 V DC
Phase current can be set up to 1.2 A in 8 steps
Automatic current reduction to 30 %
Full, half, quarter, fifth, eighth and tenth of a step possible
Step frequency max. 40 kHz
Protective function against excess temperature and short circuit
Controller part
Communication with higher−order controllers, e.g. programmable logic controllers
(PLC) takes place via inputs and outputs.
The inputs are completely electrically isolated from each other. These inputs can
be actuated with either 5 V or 24 V. (See section User interfaces).
Final output stage
The integrated final output stage can control up to 1.2A string current. The string
current can be set with dip switches. (see section Direction input).